hope this never happens to you

Hope that during a competetion you dont fall under the tarp while running... . and if you do dont just lay there lol flap around or something garunteed pepole will never forget it.

Hope you dont pop out of your top in those slutty costume your instructor makes you wear

Hope you aren't the guard with the worst reputation in your circuit

hope you dont hit yourself during band camp and have your forehead swell up worst than quazi moto and have 70 people go dude does it hurt

Hope you dont make a mistake which results in a penalty wich in turn costs your guard a trip to finals

Hope that cute guy you've been eyeing at all the competetions isnt gay

Hope you dont do somethig stupid like try and play basket ball and end up breakingyour finger and are out for a whole season

Hope its not raining

Hope you dont become the guard bitch

hope you dont have toliet papr stuck to your uniform when exiting the bathroom

these are all from this really coool chicka,kristin kaminski !

hope that you dont fall on the gym floor during a transition or worse in the middle of the band during a drill move.

hope that you flag doesnt get caught in the back of you costume the one day you wear flowered underwear instead of white

hope that you dont step on and trip on you costume

hope that you dont forget that you have preformance make up on and rub your eyes right before you have to go on

hope that it doesnt start to rain in the middle of your preformance

hope that you remember to put all the caps back on you make up when trying to do make up on a bumpy bus

hope that you arent behind someone who is spraying hair spray on the bus

hope that when your boyfriend/crush comes to congradulate you on a good job that you dont have sweat stains

hope that you never have to run through the drum line

hope that you arent hit when you pass in front of the trombones

hope that it doesnt get windy right before your big toss

hope that you dont hit and knock over a prop coming onto or off of the floor

believe me these are the worst almost all of them have happened to me or some one i have talked to in another guard. and i hope these NEVER happen to you talk about most embarrassing guard moments!!!! kristin kaminski TWHS Colorguard!!! c/o 2003

got any more send them to me!