
i love these poems before competetions i print out one of the poems and give them to myguard gurls they love them and they are very inspirational i especially love some of the poetry on steph's page Colorguard World she and her friend wrote them thierselves its so awesome check it out!

When the music starts and we stand proud and true
Please oh lord! Let the judges like what we do

May I stay in rhythm; let me not lose my count
for I dread they will see and point me out

This I well know is not so bad but,
buy the looks on my instructor could kill my dad

I ask not for myself but for the whole
let us march in straight lines, and not on our toes

May my hands be true even though they're black and blue
It's the price we must pay for the toss's that get away

Protect me oh lord! from you know who
They couldn't catch a cold you know this is true

When the show's almost over and the fans are on their feet
keep me smiling that same smile, even though I can not breath.

We practice each day since our great goal is All-State,
Sustained by hope and warm Gatorade,
Do it again, such a mess we've made.
Go forwards and backwards, two eights then three fours,
Get to our spots 'fore the music's done.
Do it again, isn't this such fun?
We've marched and played 'cross this wide field for ho-urs.
From set to set under a hot sun.
Do it twice more before we are done.

We Are The Show: Author Unknown

The time between seasons drags
And the days click by like dominoes
One by one they tumble over
Countdown to begin the show.

Then finally the season starts
The date is set, the time, the place
We organize another year
The calendars fill with practice dates.

Tosses, spins, amazing grace
The music haunts us day and night
Foot here, hand there, the flag in place
Practice, practice to make it right.

Performance faces, focused eyes
The music fills our hearts once more
Just like in practice all those times
We dance across the wooden floor.

A show well done fills up our hearts
The end result of hours strained
We burst with pride when we know it's good
And when it's not, we burn with shame.

All our shows improve by bounds
The season moves on faithfully
And all too soon it has to end
When it's all over, where will we be?

A little wiser, a little sad
To see another season go
But knowing we'll always treasure the time
When together, we were the show.

Those horrible, hot days of summer band camp. Rehearsing drill until your legs burn. Doing the show until you are positively sick of the band director saying "lets do it one more time," loading and unloading instrument, carrying flags and props on and off the field with the timing of a military offensive, day after day after day. Ice to relive bruises on wrists, foreheads, ankles. Swollen lips. Doing push-ups. Standing at attention for five more minutes than you can bear. Sunburn. Wanting to sell yoursoul for five more minutes of sleep. Flags in the face, rifles in the ribs. wanting to give it all up and join the chess club. Hearing the show music in your sleep. Sectionals. Heartburn, Heartbreak. Drumming on everything in sight. Tossing anything you pick up. Thinking marching band was a stupid way to get out of PE Running laps because someone else was late, again. Realizing colrguard looked a lot easier than it is. Doing mor push-ups. Wondering what happened to your life. Eating dinner in a car while changing and doing your homework. Lost shoes and lost mouth pieces. Blood Blisters on your palms. Long underwhere under your uniform and icy wind in your face. Learning the fine art of sleeping on a buss. Tears and teasing. Learning yo have 200 new brothers and sisters who stick by you through thick and thin. Know you have 300 new parents who will cheer for you, no matter what. Laughing with others and learning more about yourself than you ever though possible. Doing more push-ups. Thinking the show will never work. And then finally, it comes together and you have achieved perfection. Drumming you hands off, playing you brains out, and tossing higher that the sky. A slice of time in a stadium when everyone cheers and your mom cries and pictures get taken and once, just once, you have the world in you hands. And the band marches out of the stadium ad down the street, always together whether it's success or not, and you know by the feeling in your heart that it doesn't get any better than this. And you know that if your director asked you to turn around and "do it just one more time, a little better," you would.
What it's like

Adrenaline pumping hearts beating,
Fingers throbbing, music leading.
All a part of a sport called colorguard,
The taste of sweat, you know it gets hard,
But ask any teammate, they'll probably say,
That's ok I like it that way.

All teammates are friends, each helps the other,
But practice isn't a time to call for your mother.
Tough it out, the coach might yell,
but with that phrase the attitudes swell.

Then those famous words come a new,
Set it up once lets do a run through.
Your music ends and you're breathing quite a bit faster,
You did a good run and you think you're the master.

Time to load the truck, it's not that bad,
Every one helps, even the dads.
Now time to relax, getting on the bus,
Now wait your hair now there's a fuss.
The gel, the spray, it all goes on there,
And now you don't even want to touch your hair.

Put on your makeup so it'll look right,
Don't mess it up, we don't want to fight.
Put on the headphones and litsten to "your" song,
Listen, relax, it won't be very long.
The bus comes to a stop, everyone knows that they're there,
Someone wakes you up and you check your hair.

Get all your stuff people and get on out here,
Now it sets in, just a little bit of fear.
You get to your room and take of your shoes,
Take a deep breath, there's nothing to lose.

Warm up and stretch out, get that equipment flying,
Don't busy yourself yet, don't want to see you crying.
Get your equipment and get ready to go,
Line up in the hall to put on your show.

They pull all the equipment on to the floor,
You step a little bit closer and look through the door.
The crowd is huge, you don't think you'll make it,
Breath nice and slow, you know you can take it.
It's your turn to put on your show,
Walk with pride you know it will flow.
Is the guard ready? Ya you think so,
Northmont High School you may present your show.

Look up at the crowd, make sure they see you,
It's your last chance, don't let this thing beat you.
Vibrant flags fly fiercely over head,
Catch it right or your arm will red.

Crack that rifle, you know you can do it,
All right, nice job, I knew you knew it.
Here comes the end, don't break down just yet,
It will be awesome, this is what I bet.

The zip of the flag, the final snag,
It looks great, you got it in the bag.
With hands trembling, you get up and say,
Yes, see I told ya I like it this way.

Watery eyes, spontaneous combustion of tears,
Screaming, excitement initiated cheers.
Go ahead let it out, you gave it your all,
Don't hold back, admit it, you had a ball.

You showed all those people what you got in you,
Some pain, some love, need I continue?
Some strength, some friendship, some talent, and grace,
You spread it around all over that place.

Just when you thought you were gonna be knocked down,
You bounced right back and refused to go down.
With all those going for ya, where next from here?
Do you know where you'll end up next year?

This is what makes up a colorguard,
Some people try but don't make it because it's too hard.
All the stress and the anger, some people can't take it,
And somewhere inside they know they won't make it.

All of my teammates have this desire,
Something in their heart that lights a fire.
To do all they need to, to pull off a show,
But what I hate the most is to see them all go.

So just a little something to say to my girls,
To me, you mean the world.
I love you all and I want you to know,
I'm so proud of you guys and our guard show.

I really, down deep, don't want this season to end,
I'm gonna miss it all so much and all of my friends.

Everything is set up, and the ? Slaves??ve gone back to their seats to wait until they have to rush and help us again, when it?ll over. I?tanding behind my backdrop, and I can feel the heat of the lights on me. I?o nervous that the crowds of people seem larger and larger. All of these people are here, not necessarily to see us, but to see how we compare to them. The announcer asks if we?ready, and Laurel gets into her position to begin her dance. The music begins and I hear the sound of cellos come through the speakers. It?oothing music, but not to me, not right now. I?ust thinking about all the people watching, especially the majority of them who are almost waiting for something to go wrong, for one of us to mess up and hurt our chances of going on. As I take a deep breath I think about how ready I am for this. I strip my flag and step out onto the floor. I know that what happens really shouldn?atter, but no matter what Lorissa says, it means so much to all of us. We?been working so hard these past months and it all comes down to today, to right now. These are the AIA winterguard championships.
To some of us, this isn?s important as it is to others. To the seniors and to the freshmen, it?verything. We all want to go on tomorrow and win a medal, but to Nancy, Kayce, and Shannon, this is their last chance to be able to stand up there and receive that medal with the rest of us. Even though the rest of us know that it would be so great to give Shannon a medal for her birthday, we know that we have other chances for this. For the freshmen, they think that it would be the greatest feeling ever knowing that this is their first year doing winterguard ever, and they could have a medal.
All of this and more is running through my head as I step off the floor and wait until I?oing to go back on with my triangle. I haven?essed up so far but I?fraid that I?oing to do something that I?never even done in practice before. I watch the other group as they?performing and I hope that Shannon can get through her split work without any problems. I convince myself to stop worrying about her and to just concentrate on the work that I?bout to perform for everyone. Again, I don?ess up on it, but my mind is now worrying about the last thing that could possibly go wrong for me, my toss.
I remember about the time when the floormat wasn?et up properly and there were wrinkles underneath the boxes. I?done the feature so many times now, and I still get scared every time I have to step up on the teeny-tiny box to try and do elaborate work. I get through it all, and then comes the moment that I?he most nervous about, the toss. I wouldn?ind it if the other 16 people on the floor were doing it with me, but it?y solo. Not just the whole audience is watching me, but so are the judges, and the rest of the guard is turned around to watch me. I catch it, and it?olid. As I hear the applause that I know is just for me, I feel a great relief come over me. I can finally relax about the rest of the show, and even though I?been having fun this entire time, I know I can have even more fun now.
The show is finally over, and we get all of our stuff off the floor within the time limit. We?folding the floor, taking apart the backdrops, and rolling the flags, talking about how we did and how nervous we were. We all did well, but this isn?he end. We still have to prove ourselves tomorrow at finals. The rankings on the wall in the cafeteria show that we placed fourth, and now we know that we have to give the most amazing show of our lives to be able to win a medal tomorrow. It?oing to be a challenge, but we?all up to it, and we want that medal, but seeing Lorissa smile about how well we did is such a reward for us, and we know that it was a truly amazing performance.
"Color Guard"
Flags . . .
Rifles . . .
Sabres . . .
Glitter and grace
Colors, bright and lively
Music over the loudspeakers blare
One by one each guard performs
People applaud each on loudly

Art In Motion

Flags moving in sweeps of color
Slap of the rifle strap after a solid quad
Roar of the crowd as a six is caught by the sabre line

One girl with a grin of happiness of doing something right
Another's face clouded by the regret of a mistake
Another in tears of pain

For what?

The members come off the floor
Leaving their all on the floor
The are praised
Commended for a job well done
No matter what the outcome
A Job Well Done

Dragging along wearily, feet scuffing the floor
So relieved to finally enter home's door
Baggage is shed and forgotten for the night
Crawling up the stairs requires all your might

As you wash away all of the sweat and the tears,
You know that this day will stand out among your years
The pains of an aching body and tired muscles fade
With visions of crowds screaming your name
Bright lights and brilliant colors flash before your eyes
You're there amid the drums, the wails, and the cries
Of all those pushing and straining with you to win
An effort to avenge the losses that have been

And when the victory's won, and the screams subside
After the last embrace, once the tears of joy have been cried
You can finally rest, for the day has been won
Sinking against the pillows, a job well done

Copyright 1999 by Elizabeth Knight
When the Lion lifts his mighty head
He roars loud enough to wake the dead
he struts around and says "I'm king"
While his pride works for his well being
Oh, such a mighty beast is he,
King of all that he can see.
When the lion roams the land,
he sees himself within the plan.
But, sees his family and how it lives,
Each member plays a role and gives.
See how they work within the plan,
The mighty beasts that roam the land.

The Lion's name we find is "Sauce"
Yup...he's our mighty Boss.
His family though, is quite grand,
They are the Carmel Marching Band.
Each one of them, big and small,
Know that they could win it all.
They sometimes get caught up in other things for a while,
Then comes along that push from Kyle.
The on top with the greatest view,
We find leading then was J. W.
Sometimes, some may be out for a cold or hepatitis,
But, the one more often caught disease was "Panty-itis!"
They all travel in a pack and walk with their TOES UP,
And then even welcomed in Mallorie, their new young pup.

There was a lot of life given to the pack,
Especially from Dave, but just enough to stay on track.
Seniors, Juniors, Sophomores and Freshman made up the four
divisions, In each, they carried in with them some strong visions.
They thought of things that would help the pack as a whole,
And to help each one to become a stronger individual.
The pack would always try to fight against the weather,
And even in the worse, they made it by working together.

But, the pack would never survive without Charlie and the guard,
For they had weapons, and to beat them would be hard.
And even though they wore too much make-up and curls,
They were a bunch of tough, hardworking girls!
Although we lost our dear friend Frizz for a while,
She came back to us with the same sweet smile.

With all the percussion looking just so fine,
Great rhythms could be heard from our pit and drumline.
And with "Mac Daddy" tapping and dupping at the lead,
"Metronome Mike" is the one who keeps the speed.
With the "farts, toots, and whistle" sounds from our pit,
IT gets the pack in to a laughing fit.

Split into 9 different instrumental sections,
May traditions became long-lasting resurrections.

Starting with the flutes and piccolos, O MY!
Their high shrilled sounds reach far beyond the sky.
With all their good luck jewelry, shirts and braids,
Bailie's head was the one that got absolute praise.

The Clarinets would always do whatever it takes,
Even if it meant actually trying Janet's pancakes.
And with Jessie at the head, and no-one at the rear,
"Come on Guys!" was the shouting you would hear.

The Bass clarinets, even though they are small,
They are a part of us after all.

Then, we come around to the beautiful sax,
Where everyone puts their playing to the max.
And they are lead by "Big Bad Rob"
Who always seems to fulfill his job.

Around the circle we find the mellos,
They are a group of fine young fellows.
Everytime they travel, the load up on candy,
And they all owe thanks to Amanda, Sarah and Brandy.

Next, there's the awesome trumpet,
All those players like to PUMP IT!
In a nice long file they're always standin'
They get their support from mighty 'ol Brandon.

Also meet our wonderful Tones and Bones,
A team that has some of the greatest tones.
They are the coolest gang in the hood,
And their marching style is better than good.

The contras are the lowest of the lows,
They keep the band on their toes.
The newest contra was freshman Bob,
The other guys made him a part of their mob.

But really, the staff is the reason for our success,
Because they knew our accomplishments were limitless.
There were times when some would get mad or cranky,
But on bad days, no-one could outdo Mr. Kreke!
He was the guy at the back of the form,
who was a little out of the norm.
Then, the one who knew it when we missed a note
Huh, that was Mr. Pote.
I was told to watch out for his evil claws
But I wasn't afraid after seeing that HE wore bras!
But they put us together and made us a team,
And helped us to fulfill our dream

Now I conclude just to say,
Thanks to all, for giving us those memorable days.
So, in the end, the lion can rest,
Knowing that he did his very best!
The First Show

When we first started camp we knew nothing at all,
But now we stand on the field straight and tall.
At first the drop spins were a bit off,
But now, oh boy, do we show them off.
And when we first stepped on that field we were so lost,
When we ran into band member, we sure paid the cost.
But we pulled through even though it was hard,
It has it?ewards afterward.
We owe our thanks to instructor,
And to our choreographer too
Without their support we would not have pulled through.
And without our strict captains this could not have been done,
They made it all seem so easy, and everything fun.
To the Freshman who have tried their very best,
Never asking for a break or a chance to rest.
The upper classmen have been so kind,
Even when some one drove them out of their mind.
Now the time has come to put our work to show,
On your mart, get set, it?ime to go.
Good luck to you all, I know you?do great.
Hurry up now, don?e late!

Lets make some magic
Lets do it right
Do it with heart
Do it with pride

Hold your head high
Do not be afraid
For fear can destroy
The magic we've made

We have the power
We have it inside
It shows in our progress
It shows in our eyes

Though pained and exhausted
We will not give in
We have the magic
That makes us win

Lets create an illusion
We have the strength
To open locked doors
Deep within

With every flag toss
Every step of the dance
Lets make them smile
Lets take this chance

Come on gang!
Lets show them who we are
Smile from the soul
Reach for the stars

Take them from reality
Cold and tragic
Find a place in their hearts
Lets Make Some Magic!

by: Faustina D'Anton

props to colorguard corner