Guard Gurl's Fav Quotes

These are cute quotes Iv'e found from across the net

~"how exactly do you expect me to toss while I'm in between the bass drums?"

"there isn't enough space to go through that line and do the work you wrote"

instructor's reply "if they're in the way -hit them- I guarantee there will plenty of space for you after that"~

"you have 6 feet of pole and 48 inches of silk... you better catch SOMETHING!!!"

Guard members make announcement: "It's raining!" Guard instructor screams back: "I DON'T CARE IF DORTHOY AND TOTO FALL FROM THE SKY, KEEP SPINNING!!"

~*Success is for people who have found nothing noble enough at which to fail.*~

i love color guard counting - if i remember right we were taught to count in school-you know - in guard they messed us up with 1 - e - and - a - 2- e - and - a gotta love it!!!!!!!

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