Save The Guards

guard is a relatively misunderstood sport/art as you all may know. It is made up of an underground organization of band geeks and guard chicas. Many of the "normal" people (as we refer to those non band/guard people) have a twisted view of what band and guard is all about. Odds are if they dont know somone that is in guard they have noidea what goes on ,,, the hard work,,, the dedication,,, the pride. People think its just some dumb club that a bunch of loser do. Well THEY ARE WRONG!! the time to just sit back and ignore the ignorant haspassed !


How do we do that??? We need to spread the word. The more people who know about guard the better. People fear what they dont understand! and the only way to break the barrier between us and them is through education.

this was an entry in my guestbook,

Name: Vanessa E-Mail: Homepage Title: Homepage URL: http:// Show This Year Location: Az Comments: i love this site, it is some of the few good guard sites! and that girl who supposedly thinks guard is something easy is close-minded, if only everyone knew how much i want EVERYONE to know how much work we put into guard, and it makes me mad when people treat guard as if its a simple thing. guard IS as much as a sport as anything else not only is it a sport but an art that requires great performance skills. now that ihave said everything that guard people already know and feel :) i have decided that i will write a letter to a couple of magazines and tell them of guard, what it takes to be in guard, and hopefully it will help to get the word out that guard isnt just "twirling flags around"

This entry inspired me to get all you guard people out there together and get involved. Spread the news about guard!

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seventeen magazine
711 Third Avenue, 19th floor
New York, NY 10017