Things To Do *
(at an unsupervised guard sectional)

lol this is how incredibly stupid my guard is this is what we do...

1. play monopoly
2. throw your flag on the ground and start yelling at the girl next to you for dropping it.
3. make stupid words up to your show song and sing it during run throws.
4. make up new difficult and very dangerous tosses.
5. dance in you "bubbles"
6. play vollyball.
7. have a tampon throwing fight.
8. retape your flag.
9. make your own guard tshirts with stupid things on it and lots of gliter.
10. girl talk
11. when twisting during stretches purposely stand to close to another member and refuse to move which results in a kindergarten pull on eachother's hair fight.
12. booty dance.
13. go to the auditorium and do across the floors on the 10 foot stage that hovers over the pit 10ft below.
14. work on catching that perfect double.
15. spin with your feet.
16. make fun of all the dorky/disgusting band members.
17. discuss fundraising ideas and never carry them out.
18. chase each other around with grass in your hand aiming for each other's noses.
19. go to lunch early.
20. 2 hour water break.
21. make fun of each other
22. tampon throwing fight
23. tear up pieces of curly carpet and make everyone a wig.
24. dance
25. watch old school marching videos
26. go on a posom hunt
27. attempt killing the rodent with your sabre.
28. make up cheer routines for football games and make them horible on purpose.
29. answer every question with NO! or shut up quit lying.
30. stop in the middle of basics to give all the guard girls hugs and tell them you love them.
31. make incredibly stupid faces when you make eye contact with another person.
32. end every sentance with SCORE! or fruit.
33. glitter fight
34. lock your instructor in the bathroom
35. knock on the door and act out the housekeeping scene in tommy boy.
36. split leaps
37. gummybears and fatfree chips
38. steal the armrests of the chairs.
39. hit things that hang down from the cieling with your flag, only after you spin around 12 times.
40. perfect the advanced highly dangerous two partner single toss.
41. beat someone with thier own drill : ) told ya we are strange.
42. ATTACK!!
43. pillow fight.
44.and most importantly have fun and dont get caught!