Guard Traditions

Every guard has traditions. Here is a list of some of the traditions my guard has pleaze send me your traditions so i can put them on this page dont forget to send me you name and the name of your guard THANKX: )


~Before every competetion someone from our guard (usually the captain) gives all the girls in the guard a little bag filled with hershey's kisses, dumdum's, and smarties. Before the competetion each girl eats her smarties to make sure we are smart and think about our routine and some kisses to know we are loved, after the show we eat our kisses and dumdums to remind us of our mistakes and that its okay and that we all still love eachother.~

~After every football and basketball game we always go to pizza hut. Thats just the way it's always been.~

~before every competetion when we are on the field and the band is warming up the guard bends over and ties thier shoes.~

~Before competition we stand in a circle and we tell dirty jokes while the band warms up : )~

~Before competition we sing our little song H-O-T-T-O-G-O Elmhurst Guard is hot to go say whoo (whoo) hot to go say whoo (whoo) hot to go and we also sing the Good Morning song: )~

Before every competiton the whole guard bends over and sticks a single blade of grass in thier shoe to remind them that the ground isnt going anywhere so look up!~

On the way to competetions, or anywhere we go together, if we ride over a railroad track, we say "Screw" and everyone has to touch a screw until we pass over the tracks.

If someone steps on the Handicap Man, its consided bad luck unless you walk around it backwards 3 times.

If we get good luck stickers for a competetion we wear it on our boob.

We sing the same songs all the time on bus rides.

We mock the flight attentants on airplanes.

~*~Thankx Jessica~*~

Our tradition on our guard before every competition is to get ina circle and our instrutor gives us a starburst and we undress it (take off the wrapper) and but it in our right boob. then everyone kisses everyones candy. then we hold it in the air and our instrutor says...A little good pep talk and "All the bad out and all the good in!!"then we eat it and run to line up with the band or go on to perform our indoor competiton..

*~*Thankx Liz*~*