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Tube frame construction


   I have noticed a recent trend in tube frame chassis'.  I have recently completed my first tubular bodied car.  (Click here to go to that page)  It has occured to me that some of you may be interested in these tube frames but it may not be in your budget to buy one.  This page will hopefully help you create one of your own. 


Sketch out your design.  Having a design on paper or on a computer screen is cheaper and easier than changing your design halfway through the construction process. 



3/16"  or 1/4" steel brake line from a local auto parts store

A welder of some sort ( I used acetylene and air)

Silver Solder

Liquid Flux

Emery or fine grit sand paper



Make a mock up of the layout with wire coat hangers or drinking straws could work too.  Then test fit the mock up on the chassis  or layout the gearbox and shocks and wheels and tires to see if you like the way it fits.  If you are satisfied with the result then it is time to start welding.  I would layout the main structure in the form of a box first.  Remember, measure twice and cut once.  Then, sand the area to be welded with the sandpaper, this will help the flux spread and give the solder something to stick to.  Also, be careful that the surface you are welding on is not flammable.  If you need to connect two pieces in a T type joint take a small file and open up the upright part of the T to resemble a fish mouth.  By doing this you will get a stronger joint. 


After Construction

Drill any necessary holes and test fit everything; such as shocks and gearboxes.  Then, when you are satisfied with the the fit it is time to move on to the next step; painting.


Painting and Preparation

After the frame is constructed and all of the necessary holes have been drilled it is time for paint and primer.  The first step is to sand all of the surfaces smooth with emery paper this will give the primer something to stick to.  Next, make sure to wash it off real well metal shavings look horrible under a beautiful paint job.  Then, the primer can be sprayed I like to use  a Testor's type primer.  Finally, the paint can be applied.  For this step any type of paint can be used I like either a Testor's type paint or automotive paint or Rustoleum type paint.

Good Luck and Happy Building!!!