Where Can I Get the Trivia Bot?
You can't find it anywhere. There're a few people
who have managed to get the bot from us, and those people shall
burn in the deepest, darkest, depths of Hell.
Can I use some of your questions?
Big no. If I let everyone use the bot's questions,
that would make our channel unoriginal and pointless.
Can you run the trivia bot in my channel?
No. The bot should only be run in #DBZ-Trivia. If it's
being run somewhere else, it shouldn't be.
Can I have voice?
Depends on how many points you have. I, Secef, will
not voice you unless you have the required amount (1800), but
other ops might.
Can I have ops?
Heh heh... no.
I'm a member of Net-Syn. Will you now give me ops?
The fact that you are a member of that evil group
has now lessened your chance of being op'ed, as I hate Net-Syn.
Can I advertise my channel?
No. The channel has a hard enough time drawing
people to it on its own. You advertising wouldn't help any.
I'm a member of Net-Syn. Now will you stop
bothering me and let me advertise?
One word: Autokick.
Any other questions? Email me at soaps66@hotmail.com.