I'm afraid to tell her i love her

I'm afraid to give her my all
For fear abides that she will take it and run
And there will be absolutely nothing left>br> To compose of me

But I want to give her my all
And I long to have her give herself to me
For I want her to feel me through the beauty of the summer
And I'll love her as the leaves fall from the tress

I'm afraid to at look her
For at that moment everything else
Will cease to exist
And I'll find that I just can't turn away from her
Because I know there is a splendid part of her that I’ll miss

But it hurts not to look at her
And I could indulge in her body for all eternity
For her beauty is anything but simple
She’s more like an intoxicating symphony

I'm afraid to touch her
Cause I don't want to reach for her and find that she's not there
But she's more than I've ever dreamed of
And for her I truly care

But I want to touch her
No I think it's pure need
Cause with every touch I give her
She places her hand upon me

Sometimes I'm afraid to tell her that I love her
Cause I believe once I say it,
It will cease to be true
And simultaneously everything else in the world would come undone too

But all of it could come undone
It would definitely have to
Because to deny my love for her
Would make everything else untrue

So as day changes into night
And as long as night changes into day
I'll always care for her
and with her I'd forever stay

hmmmmm(back to poems)