Poems and what not
My poems are an extension of my soul. They are an insight into my life and my feelings. These are feelings that everyone experiences at some point in their life. But then again maybe doesn't talk about. There is a chance that maybe you haven't felt with such feeling before. But I know you'll get there in the end.
Confined in the Codependency of Love
*My Love*She's*I Love Her Life*The First*Will My Red Show*In That Moment*There She Stands*A Breath of Love*Her Smile, Her Eyes, Her Touch*Confinded in The Codependency of Love*Tell Her That I Love Her*It's Nothing Less Than Love, Baby*I'm Afraid to Tell Her That I Love Her*I Feel her*She Stands on Top of the World*My Miny Skirt Queen
Wilthering Within the Down Side of Love
*I Blame Myself*No Regrets*That Girl*I Truly Miss Her*Not Again*The Word Love*Favors*Her's*Wondering*The Jackass*My Heart's all in Pieces*It Ended the day before*That Fear of Her's*I Miss Her*The Game
*I Would Like to Fall Asleep*Lost*He Seems's So Far Away*Subdued Extra-Terrestrial*Her Box*The Anti-Depressant*Screwed Up Again*Always Wishing on Stars*Alone*Dreams are Bad
*Parallel Worlds*Dirt of a Girl*Medication*Life Doesn't Come Easy*Boredom*Prison*Eventually Dreams Will Stop Coming My Way*People*The Pronoun Game*Circle of Friends
*Fall Night*Love Passed Me By*No One New*The Sky Cried Last Night*Life*Before One Can Love*In Life*She Believes*Future Days
This page is forever under construction just like the many phases of my life