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About Candace!

Myself in my fairy incarnation!
Candace by © Amy Brown

Sparkly bar

Dancing in the moonlight, in a Dress Made Of Moonbeams....

You see a fairy standing there, Tumbling Curls Of Chestnut Brown falling about her small shoulders...

Sleeves like Fae Whispers of Desire stir in the warm night air as she glides around the glade. Her Gossamer Wings Of Mauve fluttering as she turns to smile at you

Sparkling Emerald Slippers adorn her feet, which never touch the ground. She carries a Gigantic Double Stuffed Oreo in her left hand, and a C|=(_\_)(_Y_)(_/_)(_*_)=> in her right, possibly to defend herself if need be.

On two of her fingers you see rings, one a Cherry Flavored RingPop and the other DreamWeaver's Eternal Love.

  A Trail Of Pixie Dust sparkles in the air behind her, as she flitters about offering you A Handful of Dreams from her Pouch Of Erotic Fantasies.

Do you dare to follow this wild child? 

Background Story

Her name is Candace.

The daughter of a Wolfen and a Sprite, she wanders the world of Aardwolf looking for answers. Candace loves to quest, exploring the vast world of Aardwolf is her favorite past time.

She is happily married to DreamWeaver.

She is a Thief/Cleric.

Her favorite cookie is chocolate chip!

Candace's favorite quote is by Ralph Waldo Emerson. "The years teach much, the days never know."

Her homepage is at

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Fantastic Fairy Art by Amy Brown. Quality Web Design at Affordable prices Fairy Hill Flower Fairy Adoptions. Featuring Flower Fairies by Cecily Mary Barker.