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About Korben!

Korben by ©Quinten Hoover

Sparkly bar

Case #232311 Reported by Pan:

I awoke with a sense of panic, quickly I scanned the area. I could feel a presence, someone was in my room. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light I noticed what appeared to be a man standing in the corner. I watched the figure for a moment but it din't move, so I rose from my bed and carefully made my way there. The closer I inched the less substantial the figure appeared until finally I knew it was nothing but a shadow.

With relief I made my way back to bed and closed my eyes. It took my sleep ridden mind a full minute to realise that my room had no windows and therefore no light to make shadows. Leaping from my bed in an attempt to surprise my foe, I aimed a perfect flying tackle at the dark figure.

When I hit the wall it took me several moments to recover. Standing shakily to my feet I examined the shadow it was in the perfect shape of a man. I poked it, I felt nothing save wall, but it was undeniably there. Suddenly I heard snickering coming from before me and then to my horror the shadows mouth opened as its laughter could no longer be contained. Then a shadowy hand wrapped around my throat and threw me across the room.

Having recovered from my initial shock I rose with sword in hand and charged the shadow beast and acheived nothing save several good sized gashes in the wall. The shadow, no longer amused jumped across my dresser and ran across the room into the hallway. I followed the creature, and watched amazed as it ran straight through my closed front door as if it wasn't there.

I just stood there staring at the door, shaking in horror and rage while wild laughter faded into the distance. It wasnt until the next day that I discovered all my valuables were missing.

Background Story

When asked why he joined Daoine, Korben simply stated, "Because this is where I wanted to go, and it is da best clan."

Korben is single.

He is a Warrior/Cleric/Thief/Mage.

His favorite cookie is snicker doodles.

His favorite quote is "This is my quote" -Korben :P

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