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About Newyn!

Newyn by ©Micheal K. Cole

Sparkly bar

Before you stands a really short faerie with a sly grin on his face. He's dressed in clothes of all sorts of colors, none fitting, making him look like a glowbulb. 

Hanging from his shoulders are numerous of bags, filled to the edge, looking about to pop any second.  By the way he is holding the bags, you realize that they must contain something valuable, maybe even priceless. 

Laughing to himself, he starts to fly up in the air until you cannot see him anymore.  After moments of silence you hear a roar from behind you, looking back, you see a really big red dragon, smoke fuming from its nose.  Startled, you start to run away...  when you hear laughter behind you.  Looking back, you see the short faerie doubling over with laughter.  Hrmm...

Background Story

Newyn says, "I've always been a prank-ish type, and the Daoine theme fits me completely there.  I also like the companionship a clan gives."

Newyn is single.

He is a Thief/Cleric/Warrior/Mage.

His favorite cookie is chocolate chip.

His favorite quote is "My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely."

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