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About Rootbreaker!

Rootbreaker by ©Brian Froud

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Case notes #485833

I was resting in a small forest clearing upon one of my many travels through the land of Aardwolf  trying to find material for my book,(My Quester Could Whip Your Quester: A Look Into The Reasons For Clan Wars), When I heard a crashing from the woodline.

Hiding behind a fallen log I waited to see what manner of beast was making the commotion. Within a few minutes a giant entered the clearing, he was about eight and a half feet tall,(extremely short by giant standards) with tangled hair that straggled down to his waist, rough skin, and corse patches of beard seemingly placed at random upon his face. I have to say he was one of the most unatractive creatures I have ever met though as far as giants go I understand hes quite handsome.

He came up to the log I was hiding behind and sat down with a crash, he quickly began to amuse himself by torturing a small gnome he pulled from his pocket. My initial diagnosis was that he had abandoment issues, but I thought it worth further investigation. When I stood up from my hiding place his first reaction was to drop the gnome,(who gladly limped away) stand up, and attempt to hurl the log he had been sitting on in my direction.

Fortunately the log was half rotten and already suffering from having the giants sizable bosom dropped onto it and so all his hands produced was two fist fulls of mushy mulch.

The giant being like all giants wasn't very bright and so in the five minutes it took him to realize that the wads of pine splinters he had just thrown upon me was not quite the deadly force he had planned, I had time to begin a conversation.

 It didn't take me long to learn the giants name was Rootbreaker. Now I have met giants by the name of Bouldercrusher, Oaksplitter, and Horsethrower but the name Rootbreaker just struck me as odd. Inquiring into the name I learned that as a youth while the other giant boys were busying themselves tearing the limbs out of trees,( a common giant passtime) Rootbreaker because of his slight stature could not reach.

So to satisfy his emotional need to destroy his surroundings he began to carry around a shovel with which he dug up the roots of his victims and proceeded to rend the trees at there life source. At first the other giant children taunted him calling him shovel boy. As days passed though, they noticed that the trees they had amputated  were still living a healthy although I'm sure unhappy life while the trees shovel boy had wounded were quickly withering away.

Thus did Rootbreaker become a hero to his peers and earned his odd yet proud name. I told Rootbreaker that my final analysis was that he should see me twice a week for intense therapy and he in turn made his feelings apparent that he would seek help elsewhere.

The doctor says that all bones were broken clean, the stitches will leave only minor scars, and  he's almost positive that my hair will grow back someday.

Broken but not beaten, Pan
(Pan was kind enough to research the elusive Rootbreaker for us.)

Background Story

Rootbreaker is the lord of waning light. The leader of the Unseelie court, he leads his band of evil mischief makers with unequaled glee.

Rootbreaker is happily married to Tagroth.

He is a Warrior/Cleric/Thief/Psionicist.

His favorite cookie is chocolate chip with some hot chocolate.

His favorite quotes are "Didn't you hear that Marge? They have no bananas! and "If it wasn't hard everyone would do it, it's the hard that makes it great."

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