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About Shala!

Shala by © Henri Claytor

Sparkly bar

A small girl in her late teens flutters from shadow to shadow.  To aviod being seen from most.  As you take a closer look her golden eyes sparkle so much in the dim light they almost seem to glow.  She has long white bangs that come down to her chin.  The rest of her hair is black and is tied back into a pony tail. 

You wonder how such a small girl is capable of the destruction you've heard of, and out of nowhere you get your answer.  A group of guards come rushing at her, and with a low growl she slowly starts to change.  Her muscle's surge , her canines grow large. Her Final form is a half wolf/half human She makes quick work of the guards, and as she calms she slowly begins to regan her orginal form.

Background Story

Shala joined Daione because she was looking for fun and adventure. She has become the clan cheerleader, her incessant pranks and goodwill liven up any day.

Shala is happily married to Pan.

She is a thief.

Her favorite cookie is chewy chocolate chip.

Her favorite quote is "You wanna play soft, I'll play wanna play hard, lets play hard"-from the film the Fifth Element.

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