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About Stardancer!

Stardancer by ©Amy Brown

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Suddenly, while sitting at your computer, waves of exhaustion flood through your body. You wonder why you've become so tired, as it's not particularly late, and you felt fine just moments ago. You find your eyes closing of their own accord, and you are soon unable to even boggle at the feeling that came over you so quickly.

You awaken with a start, disconcerted. Something seems altogether wrong. A vague picture refuses to leave your thoughts, a hazy image of a figure from a dream-or perhaps a nightmare. Hoping to clear your mind, you decide to go on a short walk. As you exit your house, you glance momentarily at the time: midnight. The sky above you is completely clear. There's not a cloud in sight, and the stars shine brightly, helping to bring you back to good spirits.

Just as you begin to sense that the night is much more still than usual, a gust of wind rushes through the forest. You discover yourself surrounded by enormous trees you only now noticed-you don't even remember there being woods near your home. The wind soon begins to die down, but before doing so sends several branches swaying. Behind one, a light is revealed. It's the moon-completely full. An eerie music meets your ears; it seems to be someone singing, but the voice and tune are like nothing you've ever heard. As the volume increases, you realize the forest has become enveloped in a swirling mist. Slowly, the figure of a lone, dark faerie emerges, a deep blue dress swirling about her ankles. She hovers before your nose for a moment, and a smile creeps across her face. The faerie winks one of her emerald eyes almost too quickly for you to notice, and then with a flutter of the wings, she is off into the darkness.

Your eyes shoot open and dart about the room wildly, your heart pounding in your chest. There is no forest, just your own room and you in your own bed. Was it all a dream? You turn over, ready to sleep and to accept it as something your mind conjured up, when you feel something cold at your throat. There is a small, shining pendant around your neck, on a tiny silver chain. You remove it and switch on the light to get a better look. No, it's not a pendant, but actually a locket in the shape of the moon, depicting the different stages. The only thing inside is a single dark brown hair. This was just a dream; a fantasy? Not likely.

Background Story

Stardancer is a former leader of bard clan. The perfect fae she is poetic and a natural born dreamer. Stardancer says, "I wanted to be a part of a group that has similar thoughts on clan life, shares my love of anything fae, and can (and are encouraged to) be insane whenever it feels right."

She also stated, "Though I truly love it up here in Alaska, the all-night sunshine in the summertime makes it rather hard--or at least cold--to dance naked in the moonlight."

Stardancer is single.

She is a mage.

Her favorite cookie is pecan delights with as much powdered sugar as fits on the cookie.

Her favorite quote is ?

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