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About Sunset!

Sunset by © Randal Spangler

Sparkly bar

The presence of such a free spirited serpent could be compared to that of a scenario where forests and oceans meet, dancing in a ethereal chorus underneath the stars, lit by silvery moonlight while splashes of green and blue hold to one another in a musical caress. 

At an initial glance, her entire body appears to be colored in a chaotic order, the majority of her colors formed by those shared by slumbering forests and restless oceans. 

A dark black line travels down the middle of her face, the left side of her face of a ocean blue coloring,   while her right side is of a lighter sky blue color, the rather   odd coloring giving her the look of wearing a harlequin mask.

Black lines seem to be painted all over her body, criss-crossing to form many squares and rectangles, some colored in with bright contrasting colors.  In large block-like letters, the word LOVE can easily be seen upon her belly, being of a font not too large, so as to not take up the entire space along her smooth belly scales.  Upon her left hip, a large glittering gold numeral '5' has been painted. 

She wears nothing more then two black rubber gloves that cover not only her hands, but her arms and up to her elbows as well. 

Background Story

Sunset is a clan leader of Daoine Sidhe. She is a 2nd level tier, and believe me that takes a lot of time and devotion. She is a good listener, and extremely devoted to her clan.

She believes the world needs more dragons and lizards, and will gladly aid a fellow reptile.

Sunset is happily married to Cinderz.

She is a Beastmaster/Rogue/Telepath/Barbarian

Her favorite cookie is peanut butter!

Sunset's favorite quote is 'Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you're crunchy and taste good with ketchup!'

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