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About Wolfbane!

Wolfbane by © Terese Nielsen

Sparkly bar

A robed and hooded figure of medium humanoid height, walks on the dusty roadside in your direction. Drawing closer, the person leans on a plain wooden staff for support, and you take notice as the hood is drawn back to reveal the visage of a young male elf, his reddish brown hair gently ruffled by the breeze. 

His greens eyes sparkle with mischief as he smiles at you and introduces himself.  "I am Wolfbane, a simple mage travelling these fair lands."  He extends his right hand for a handshake and you take notice of the simple golden wedding ring he wears.

Background Story

Wolfbane states, "I joined Daoine for the companionship of its members, the fun of mischief making, and its amazing theme."

Wolfbane is happily married to Kitiara.

He is a Mage/Cleric/

Wolfbane's favorite cookie is homemade chocolate chip.

His favorite quote is "Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality." - Jules de Gaultier' 

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