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Stardancer by © Amy Brown

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Hello!  As you have probably figured out already by the subject, I'm writing to apply to Daoine.  If all you're looking for is the basics...well, tough!  Today you'll receive my brief (read: long and tedious) life story.  *tapes your eyelids to the top of your head, puts your mouse in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other*

When I first began MUDding on Aardwolf I was a newbie to every sort of roleplaying game there is.  I began with a half-griffon ranger, who shall remain nameless because.. ahh.. it's more mysterious that way.  Yeah. *cough*   Anyway, needless to say, I had a rather difficult time playing, but did learn eventually.  That character made it to level eleven, which was, coincidentally, my age at the time. (I think so, anyway.. I might have been   twelve.) 

Perhaps it was killing all those bunny rabbits (and often having them kill -me-) that finally broke my spirit, but for some reason I decided to start over. 

Thus began Stardancer. 

I was still rather clueless with this new character, but once again, I managed to level up (slightly faster this time, and with no fear of those rabbits.)  At some point in my early aardlife I was spoken to by Calliope herself, and was led to a marvelous thing known as a "Bard Reading." 

This strange occurrence is not known by everyone nowadays, but apparently they were quite frequent at the time I visited.  When I entered the theatre, I was soon surrounded by many people doing one of the things I enjoy best.  A quill pen made its way into my hand in place of the dagger, and at level twenty, I discovered myself to be a Bard.

I was still rather young at this time, but not an awful writer, and they may have made allowances due to my age.  Either way, I began to grow, along with the clan, my writing skills--and my rank.

  One day, much to my surprise, I was plopped in the seat as leader, and Plush was retired and vacationing in Fae-land. This actually lasted for quite a while, but that evil thing known as Real Life ended up getting in the way.  After I stepped down, my time online slowly dwindled.. to near.... nothing.   

Now, I'm here again.  School's over, I've got plenty more time, and I'm back in action.  Unfortunately, during the time I was gone, Bard--and its members--changed significantly, and left me behind.  Though still a Bard at heart, I decided to begin anew.  I became an outcast.

Coincidentally, it was on April 1st (a day you all know quite well, I'm sure) when I decided to make the plunge into outcast, and also coincidentally, (seriously, this was not planned :p) I managed to get the gold necessary for unoutcast (don't ask how. *inno*) two days later, on my birthday.  It occurred to me soon after what fate had planned for me--I was a born again fooler!

Now, I beg you, don't judge me by my age alone.  At the moment I don't have many years behind me, being only fourteen, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't take that into account.  Isn't that part of what the internet's for?  You don't have to have your age/appearance/anything shoved in your face every day, except for what you show of yourself.  Young or not, I'm an enthusiastic faerie looking for a family-ish environment, and a place to have some fun. 

  I both make and take mischief constantly (and enjoy it too!) so bring on your worst! (best?) Though I have no experience with closed clans, I'm excited at the thought of gaining that experience, and would gladly assist in anything Daoine might need me for.

I hope after taking this all into consideration you give me a chance to try out.  Thanks a lot for spending the time to read this yawn provoking note--and with luck, you didn't miss too many appointments.

Your friendly neighborhood sprite,
Stardancer (who's really not as boring as she seems in the note, though I imagine Klaatu would beg to differ)
*cow Klaatu*

Oh, and about the quest.. ahh.. *scrunches up her nose*  Be gentle? ;)

I'm just a "tad" rusty on my aardknowledge right now, having been gone for so long.  Eh.. The heck with it.  What's another death anyway? :D

*flies off into the Sunset--apologizing for knocking her over* 

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