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Welcome to Daoine Sidhe!

The Fae Love A Good Party!
Too Much Wine by © Amy Brown

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Through winding caves and surreal caverns you step, through tiny water-filled cracks and crevices. Sunlight cascades from openings above and reflects off trickling streams, casting luminescent patterns that dance upon the rocky walls. Lush emerald ferns sprout from the ground and multi-colored moss cling tenaciously to their stony homes. You reach an open area with footsteps embedded there, revealing centuries of travel.

You hear distant chatter as you near a cave opening ... stepping through, you find yourself in a magical world like no other ... a land populated with unique people, or fae rather, some of them bathing in the sun, others slipping in and out of the occasional shadow ... Though all look friendly, some appear to be friendlier than others...

Welcome to the Clan of Daoine Sidhe!

Daoine clan is fun loving and carefree. We are pranksters and merry makers, a neutral clan that takes life as it comes, and usually gets a good laugh out of just about anything.

This is the official Daoine clan website for those wanting to learn more about us, how to join, what we are all about. Feel free to browse this site and immerse yourself in a the magic of the Fae.

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Now for a brief explanation about what a mud is....

Hmmm now this might be difficult.

Aardwolf is without a doubt the best mud on the world wide web. The immortals have worked hard to create a fun and challenging atmosphere. The game is a text based adventure/rpg.

Actually it is far more adventure than actual role playing, though that is where your clans come in. You see in Daoine we emphasis role playing and it truly in my opinion enhances my gaming experience.

You can use a basic telnet and click here and connect to Aard, or as most of us do download either Zmud, or Gmud. Zmud is available for a small fee from Zugg's Mud Client, now Gmud I am not so sure about as I got my copy from a friend. I got this link off of Mud Connector, Gmud32 or check out other clients at Mud Connector.

Oh and for those who are truly interested, here is the Aardwolf official url. On this site you will find a great deal of information on the wonderful world of Aard.

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Okay that is it for the informative url giving content. Now about that picture...

The little blue dragon obviously sleeping it off is none other than one of our beloved leader's Sunset. The sprite hanging off the wine glass is our infamous founder Puck. The young fae peeking out from behind the wine bottle is Shala.

Browse through this little knoll, learn a bit of fae lore, read some great pranks, and view our portrait gallery. Remember as you look that life is too short to spend it in serious contemplation. As Rosalind Russell said in the movie Mame "Life's a banquet and most poor sons a bitches are starving to death."

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Entering the Sidhe Members Roster Clan Charter
Jokes!! Speedwalks Library
Hassan's Heroes
A Comic Strip!
Fae Lore Joining Daoine Sidhe
Seelie Court Unseelie Court Choosing the
Right Court
Pranks!! Games!! Links!!
Area Maps Fae Portrait Gallery History of
Daoine Sidhe
Questing Tips Our Position
On Other Clans
Dear Sunset or the FAQ's
Court Petition All You Need
Know about Everything!
Application Examples
Sidhe Times
Our Newsletter!
Coming Soon Coming Soon

Clan of the Lost Dragon
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To a world like no other,
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Clan of the Lost Dragon?
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