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Day Dreaming by © Amy Brown

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A Typical Day

All of these "Typical Day" notes were written by Marcon, and we posted them because we thought they were hilarious, and he DID give us permission. They are a little outdated, some of the clan members have moved to other clans, but they are still funny. By the way, Lasher gave us the permission to use the last one :)

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Typical Day in the Hook Clan

CLANINFO: Smokedogg has entered the game.

Smokedogg (Captain) tells the clan: Ahoy mates!

Smokedogg (Captain) tells the clan: *rolls a die* 4...hmm. We're declaring war on Dragon today, let me write the note...

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Typical Day in the Crusader Clan

Spydabyte (Holy Crusader) tells the clan: *lick tas*

Tassica (Holy Crusader) tells the clan: *lick spydy*

Spydabyte (Holy Crusader) tells the clan: *lick tas*

Tassica (Holy Crusader) tells the clan: *lick spydy*

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Typical Day in the Shadokil Clan

Lantenon (Agent) tells the clan: Man helper flag is not enough for me! i..must..get..raider..flag..

INFO: Lantenon has been removed from this realm by Vorel's Great Dragon.

Lantenon (Agent) tells the clan: Got it :)

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Typical Day in the Emerald Clan

CLANINFO: Newbie has joined the Emerald Knights.

Newbie (Disgrace) tells the clan: Gosh I am happy to be in this great clan :).. Say what's the SW to Sinbad?

Metria (Emerald Lord) tells the clan: Here..let me give you not only the SW to Sinbad but also the best eq for your level, a couple of millions, a list of best exp mobs to kill and some nifty potions...hey even give us your password and we'll SH for ya you just sit back and relax :)

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Typical Day in the Imperium Clan

Vesuvius (Imperial Lord) tells the clan: CLANINFO: Vesuvius has been outcast from Clan Imperium :P

Vesuvius (Imperial Lord) tells the clan: hehe joking

Vesuvius (Imperial Lord) tells the clan: guys?

Vesuvius (Imperial Lord) tells the clan: get used to this joke already!

Vesuvius (Imperial Lord) tells the clan: guys? u alive?

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Typical Day in the Dragon Clan

Maarek (Wing Commander) tells the clan: *yawn*

Sylvian (Dragon Knight Elite) tells the clan: zzzzz

Oreo (Dragon Knight Elite) tells the clan: yeah me bored too


...long silence...


Jehanine (Dragon Lord) tells the clan: don't worry guys..i can feel someday we'll do something interesting!just don't lose hope :)

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Typical Day in the Watchmen Clan

Celesta (Guardian) tells the clan: I think we have enough money to buy a decent guard :)

Testasterone (Sentry) tells the clan: much does a level 220 guard with sanc,haste,lightspeed,nobalor,detect invis and hidden,prot. good and evil etc..cost?

Celesta (Guardian) tells the clan: Actually i was thinking something like a level 120 guard with bash!

Testasterone (Guardian) tells the clan: Sounds fine to me! let's do it

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Typical Day in the Ba'al Clan

Terrance (Chosen) tells the clan: Greetings children of baalzamon. i have important announces to make.

Terrance (Chosen) tells the clan: Today the Great One summoned me to his side. While i was sitting next to the feet of our Master and thinking about the glorius days to come...

Banichi (Chosen) tells the clan: Hey Terrance cut the BS and tell us the point u wanna make are using the clan channel :)

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Typical Day in the Light Clan

Arist (Liege) tells the clan: All right guys...baal is raiding us again..let's get our defenses up..nethemas u know what to do

Nethemas (Knight) tells the clan: Of course..i'll spam the clan board..don't worry guys!

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Typical Day in the Twinlobe Clan

Arkanes (Transcendent) tells the clan: Guys i miss the days when clans would find us worthy to raid..SK,imperium it was fun

Belmont (Enlightened) tells the clan: Yeah we've been completely forgotten and ignored by raiders..*sob*

Renrical (Enlightened) tells the clan: Cheer up guys! I bet the new clans will raid least till they realize we are not that fun to raid

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Typical Day in the Wolf Clan by Lasher

You tell the clan: Damn, 200 notes posted since I went to work this morning

Zane (Cub) tells the clan: Anything particularily interesting?

You tell the clan: Some of it, mostly just a bunch of horse shit on Misc and clan boards

Valkur (Eldar) tells the clan: And this surprises you because?

You tell the clan: heh

Valkur (Eldar) tells the clan: Oh, in the 5 minutes you spent getting coffee, I had to ban 3 people advertising other muds, 2 trying to abuse generic ROM bugs and 7 or 8 or so people spamming newbie

You tell the clan: Really? Quiet few minutes then. Our ban list is getting ridiculously big now

Valkur (Eldar) tells the clan: Nod, which sites can create new users here now?'

You tell the clan: Hmm, theres a couple of sites in Tazmania can still create new users here and I believe AOL can still get in as long as you dial their POP in North Alaska

Valkur (Eldar) tells the clan: Oh thats okey then, long as there is plenty of space for new people to get on'

You tell the clan: Nod, anyways, AFK to read a few million non-bugs on the non-bugs board, seeya in a week!

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