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Clans at War!
Clans at War!! by © Angus MacBride

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Puck's Clan War Update!!

Vanir~: Those who follow Thor have joined in a pact with the clan of merc's and the clan of grudges. With their help we feel that we will be able to destroy the 'good' powers of their enemies. While this does put us in direct opposition to the evil forces of Baal, we feel that this alliance will still serve us well.

Please continue to trust our corrupting members following the path of Loki. Please also understand that while we have a completly open clan hall, we are still taking many risks with our decision, like, well...we will get back to you on that. Thank you for your time.

Vanir - C'mon, you know you want to be evil! We'll give you a cookie...

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Emerald~: Following the natural course of fate, when our enemies have a new ally, that ally will find they have a new enemy. We have tolerated the misdeeds of Vanir for far too long. Now we will strike with the full frightful fury of the entangled Emerald clan!

Emerald - We're big...and we have neat stuff...

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CHAOS~: Our enemies grow, but we will prevail! Vanir, as you try to remember what our convoluted name means, and as you struggle to find our hidden clanhall, our magic will warp and twist your clan. Soon you will all be happily handing out anti-evil potions to newbies, and encouraging a 'healthy' lifestyle! Bwahahaha!

CHAOS - Because you never get a second chance to make a first enchantment!

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Hook~: Arr har har. More foolish 'lubbers to clobber! The fish will be feastin on yer flesh when we are done with ye! Just remember, if you end up with your corpse rotted and yer EQ gone, we have superior outfitting services with the lowest prices available!

Hook - Where do you want to raid today?

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Shadokil~: We are happy to welcome Vanir into our alliance. To raid them is to raid us. Since they are an open clan, this won't be much of a problem for us. But STILL, if you somehow do find a way to raid them, our vengance will be swift and warlike. This retailiation will differ drastically from the war retailations we are already making against other clans (though we haven't figured out exactly how yet) Still - Beware!

Shadokil - Fighting is what we do best...besides making vague threats...

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Retribution~: Behold watch as our power grows! Fufa. Now we have even more people to act as prison markers! Fufa. We shall wreak bloody revenge on all who have ever so much as sent us a tell with a grammatical error! Fufa. Watch as petty differences over who gets to raid us first break up your alliances. Fufa. We laugh at your pitiful force and swear RETRIBUTION! fufafufafufafufafufa

Retribution - Got Fufa?

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Puck - Who loves hearing about booming voices in a clanleader's head!

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