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Melancholy Maple!

Melancholy Maple!
Talking Tree by ©Timothy Hildebrant

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On one of my many adventures, I had the misfortune to come across an unusual tree. Unusual you might ask, how could a tree be unusual? Well my friend that is a very good question. You see Brianna Dreamwalker my dear and close personal friend asked me if I would investigate reports of someone crying in the forest near Sithean. Well of course I said I would and hurried off to tell my wife Arie that I would be gone for a few days, while I solved the mystery.

The next morning Arie kissed me goodbye and with my pack snuggly between my wings, I flew off towards the Whispering Woods. Upon arriving at the edge of the glade, I promptly began looking for clues. But after hours of searching I had found nothing of any importance.

There was no sign of anyone other than the forest animals having been present, and I was at a loss as to who could be the one crying their hearts out night after night.

Little did I know that I was soon to find out...

The sun was dipping low in the sky when I began to set up camp. I built a small fire to keep me warm and lay out my bedroll for the coming night. As I sat there eating my dinner of fresh bread and hard cheese, I heard a soft sniffle behind me.

I jerked around quickly but alas there was noone there. Just the trees. Shrugging my shoulders and wondering if perhaps someone had misinformed Brianna and the council about the matter, I went back to eating my meager meal. Soon however the sobs began again, and this time I could no longer ignore them.

Taking my lantern, I began to wander deeper into the night darkened forest, searching for the source of the eerie cries. Finally exhausted and frustrated, I paused beneath a large maple tree to catch my breath. I groaned when a large droplet of water splashed down on my head, great I thought just what I need tonight rain.

As I reached in my pocket for my handkerchief to wipe my face, a soft leaf brushed the rain from my cheek. Looking up I nearly dropped over dead...

The maple tree was ALIVE!

"Sorry for getting you wet little man." he said sadly, sniffing back his tears.

"Who are you and why are you crying?" I asked curiously. Since the only talking trees I have ever heard of in Mysteria are the wise willow in the Healer's Guild and the one in the Forest of Druids.

"My life is so terrible, please go away and leave me to my misery." He said as a great shudder shook him and leaves rained down upon my head. I wouldn't feel right about leaving him in this state, and Brianna had sent me here to find out who was in distress and how I might be able to help them.

"Well before I could could you tell me your name?" I asked him, hoping his name might cast some light on the subject and get him to open up to me. Couldn't help someone if they won't tell you what is bothering them.

"Well you just wouldn't understand little man. I mean my life is an absolute misery...." His words trailed off into sobs, and I waited patiently for him to compose hisself and continue.

"My name if you really must know is Melancholy. At least that is what those blasted birds and squirrels call me."

"Well Melancholy what seems to be the problem?" I asked him as I took a seat on a nearby rock. By the Gods if I had known then what I do now, I would have left well enough alone.

"You really want to hear my problems?" he looked at me in astonishment, "Very well here we go, don't interrupt me, so that I can fit it all in."

That should have been a clue for me to high tail it out of there, but being the stubborn sprite I was, I stayed and listened...

"First off, there is the weather. I am an old tree you know I can't stand the seasons changing. Spring makes me sprout flowers and sets of my allergies. It is horrible how I suffer in the spring!" he dabbed his eyes and continued, "Then there is summer, I get so hot stuck here in one place, I mean here I am providing shade for everyone, who shades me? Want to know who? NOONE thats who!! And fall, cold and wet, makes my joints ache. And my leaves all fall out and leave me naked at a goblin's ass! And then of course there is the hell we all know as winter. I despise it most of all. Too darn cold and I have ice that forms in my branches and makes me pop and crack. You can go inside a nice warm house and warm yourself up, no the only way I get to go inside is when some demented woodsman cuts me down and chops me up for firewood."

Not sure how to respond, I nodded my head and that signaled him to continue his tirade. Maybe once someone listens to him and hears all his gripes and complaints, he will feel better, I thought.

"Now let me tell you about the people that stroll through here. Hornier lot, I have never had the misfortune to meet. They get themselves all excited and start fooling around under my branches, then the man gets all wound up and they start rutting against my trunk. Do you have any idea what that does to my bark?" He was surely in a tizzy, and I tried not to laugh as he continued. "I have to listen to them grunt and groan like animals...And speaking of animals how I hate the furry little bastards!"

I raised my eyebrows in question, and that seemed to be all the encouragement he needed. "Blasted squirrels build nest in me, and then hide their nuts inside me. I am half full of acorns as we speak. And the birds, they are feathered fiends is what they are. Building their nest in my boughs, cheeping and chirping all day long so I can't sleep and then that psychoatic owl hoots all night long and chases the squirrel, causing it to chitter and screech. And then there is that murderous woodpecker..."

Curiosity got the better of me and I just had to ask, "Why is the woodpecker murderous?"

"YOU don't know woodpeckers very well do you little man?" His eyes were alit with a fervent light, and I realized that then he was truly enjoying his rant. Wish I could say the same for myself. "The evil manical woodpeckers are slowly killing me. Draining the very sap from my veins, and the noise. Peck, peck, peck, peck, all day long as they beat holes into my beautiful bark."

The tree was now wailing loudly bemoaning its fate, not sure what I could do to ease it's suffering. I mean after all it is a tree and the things it is complaining about are a normal part of tree life. My thoughts were interrupted by Melancholy as he began to bemoan his worse enemy so far.

"But the worse of them all is those bucktoothed hitmen the beavers. They are out to get me. Their dam is just over there, and they have killed 2 of my brethren so far. Chewed them up and then dragged their carcasses to build their infernal home. I won't go down without a fight!" He screamed hysterically.

By now I was totally at loss how to help Melancholy. Perhaps I should bring back Diamond. I mean she is a druid after all and maybe she could do some kind of therapy for a paranoid depressed tree. I mentioned this to Melancholy and he perked right up. I guess the thought of having a druid listen to his woes was good news.

Waiting until he fell asleep, I made my way back to my camp and settled down for the night. When I awakened the following morning, I ate a hasty breakfast and quickly set out to bid Melancholy goodbye and reassure him that I would be back as soon as possible.

When I arrived in the clearing where he should have been, I found only the holes where his roots had been and a note scratched into the dirt with a branchy finger.

Dear Little Man,

Forgive me for not remembering your name. But thank you for your kindness.

I have decided to set out for the Forest of Druids, and perhaps visit that Wise Willow you mentioned last night.

I hope she's single!

Come visit me sometime.

Melancholy Maple.

P.S. Watch out for the woodpeckers and beavers.....

I struggled not to laugh as I read the note, and then taking my foot, I erased all evidence of it. I wished poor Melancholy a good journey, and felt more than a little sorry for the druids and the Wise Willow.

Having solved the mystery, I set out to tell Brianna my findings and to return home to my family.

Until next time.

Dashmin Dandyflower

Dashmin Dandyflower is a character of mine from my rpg Clan of the Lost Dragon. He cannot be used without my permission or reprinted.

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