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Desperately Seeking Females!

Dating Service!
Blind Date by © Amy Brown

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*Runs out of the clan hall, hideous sounds of women screaming, and cackling men pour from the hall*

Attention Daoine is in need of serious help!

The ratios of single men to single women is at a critical level!  The men have resorted to hitting on anything remotely female. 

Yesterday Stormheart had his back turned to Letheron. Lethy mistaking Storm for a girl pinched his butt... The scary thing is Storm turned around and blushed like a little school girl.

Times are getting desperate!  Single females please...

*Letheron peeks his head out of the window and points

*Stormheart comes running out of the clan hall wearing a speedo and holding a deck of cards*

Stormheart exclaims 'Shala come play strip poker!'

Please for fae sakes, single females apply!

*Shala runs screaming into the hills*

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Fantastic Fairy Art by Amy Brown. Quality Web Design at Affordable prices Fairy Hill Flower Fairy Adoptions. Featuring Flower Fairies by Cecily Mary Barker.