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Little Fae Grouper!

Fae Grouper!
Silvinisy! by © Amy Brown

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The call goes out, defenders needed.  Raiders imminent. Confusion reigns as everyone rushes to and fro, questions flying.

'Who's being attacked?', 'Who's raiding?', 'Who's defending?'

The sad sight of so few defenders online, a sure walk over for the multitudinous superheroed raiders.

The brave defenders rally, knowing that it is up to them to hold the raiders back untill help arrives.

A little fae wanders through Aardwolf, searching for yet another elusive quarry when a message appears before her.

'You're help is needed.  If you're able, please sit at the Market Square and group the defenders for us.'

Always willing to help, the fae finishes her quest and makes her way back to Midgaard.  Within minutes of arriving she finds herself summoned in the blink of an eye to a dark forest. It was now known where the raiders were heading.

Sitting quietly out of the way the fae prepares to amass the followers and give warning of any incoming threat.

As the night progresses more people appear to join the beleaguered defenders and the raiders are repelled again and again.

Eventually the audacity and fearlessness of the defenders discourages the raiders and less of them return with each sweep.

The maze finally cleansed and all corpses retrieved, the defenders can breathe easily once more.  Once again they had saved the day.

With a happy smile and a wave goodbye, the little fae returns home, knowing that she has helped in the only way that she can.  Her mind at ease after another job well done.

By Silvinisy

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