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All In The Name!

Wolfbane! by © Terese Neilsen

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Just wanted to give a big Thanks! to all my friends, who I didn't intend to prank at first, and were very good sports about the whole thing.  Sorry again, but as some/most of you know pranks have a way of growing into whole new things :)

You tell your friends: 'Anyone else want to help me pick a new name? (i'll repost this note I wrote to you who're interested :)'

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'Wooolfy why do you want a new name?'

(Friend) DawnVisage: 'I like Wolfbane.  *pout*'

You tell your friends: 'Cause I was told its an old name...'

(Friend) DawnVisage: 'So.'

(Friend) DawnVisage: 'I like it anyway.'

(Friend) Starling: 'Wolfie, you can't rename. I forbid it.' 

You tell your friends: 'Some things get better with change though Dawns...'

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'OLD NAME MY ASS.'

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'My name is old too. I like it. Its staying.'

You tell your friends: 'well if you ladies feel so strongly, post a note to Daoine w/Baktosh stating your cases...'

(Friend) : You shrug.

(Friend) Baktosh: 'heehee'

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'Bwahahaha. Daoine wants you to change it?'

You tell your friends: 'Someone inside yes.'

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'Well then there are two little words that you need to use. '[CENSORED :)].''

You tell your friends: 'I'm not saying who it is.'

(Friend) Starling: 'wolfie, tell me who it is so I can spam them with obscene tells'

(Friend) Starling: 'errr I mean, no! don't!'

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'Well then. They better tell Sunset, and Puck, and a whole lotta others to change their names too.'

You tell your friends: 'you gals really think I should keep my name?' 

You tell your friends: 'even the pretitle?'

(Friend) Help! It's Newyn: 'yeah Woof'

(Friend) Lady Kimber: 'the name at least.'

(Friend) Help! It's Newyn: 'um, I shouldn't have answered :P'

(Caught on did ya?:)

(Friend) DawnVisage: 'Maybe new pretitle, but keep your name hon'

(Friend) Help! It's Newyn: 'but ye old wolf is ye old wolf :P'

((Blush)) (Friend): Your cheeks are burning.

(Friend) .=AgEnT=. Wolfstar: 'wuvvable wolfbane! you've been apprentice for so long that's cool too, but wolfbane r rox...'

(Friend) DawnVisage: 'LOL...Ye Olde Wolfbane....has a ring.'

(Friend) .=AgEnT=. Wolfstar: 'we both woofs! don't change that!'

(Klaatu joins in:)
Klaatu tells you 'How about Three-toed-slothbane?'

You tell Klaatu 'It has possibilities :)'

Klaatu tells you '"Rootbreaker's Mombane"'

Klaatu tells you '"Dung bettlebane" or even "Banebane"' 

Klaatu (Teglach) tells the CLAN: 'Or it could be "Beatlebane" and you could keep those darn longhaired hippies away'

You tell the CLAN: 'BeachbumBane?'

(Uasal) CLAN: You wiggle your bottom.

(Friend) : DawnVisage spanks you playfully.  OUCH!

Thanks for reading through all this, or even for skipping past it :) *wuv*


P.S. - After warning my friends that I'd be posting this log and apologizing to them for this, the best responses were these...

(Friend) Dazzling DayGlow: 'Evil evil daoine prankster!'

(Friend) .=AgEnT=. Wolfstar: 'wolfbane: I was tired and cwanky and wanted to go back to bed, once I have enough strength to crush a paper cup, I'm going to spank yoo.' 

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