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Eight's Date!

Ravenous Redcap!
Ravenous Redcap by © Brian Froud

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This is a tale yet untold
of raiders sly and bold
It was a night in late June
Beneath the full moon
When desolate Eight
Could no longer wait
for his rendevous
in the underground hall
This mighty baal 
ventured boldly forth
naked and eager 
to ravage the fae
to eat their cookies
to make them pay
to rip their wings
to do kinky things
to the little sidhe 
closer did he creep
in through the maze
he doth surely sneak
but never did he expect
a brave young  guard
named Ravenous Redcap
Who showed Eight
that those who prey
on the fae
Will surely pay
He beat him silly
he bent his willy
he smack him blue
And swirlied his head
in the loo
Oh what kinky things
The Ravenous Redcap did
to Eight...

But wait.. there is more..  Three more times that night Did Eight and the Baal try to ravage the Sidhe They did crave fae loving from the one known as Redcap Who as all sidhe know is the son of Queen Mab

Now the underground hall is silent again... Ravenous Redcap waits for his date with the horny baal named Eight. 

By Candace Seats

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