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Classes on a Date!

Dating Service!
Blind Date by © Amy Brown

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Well, I am sitting here bored outta my tree when the conversation comes up on wardrum about who is sexier.. warriors or thiefs.. and then I got this idea.

With every class it will be the same scenerio.

A (class) and a brunette just got finished eating at a resturant and are walking through the parking lot to the (class)'s car when thugs come along to cause trouble.


Bashes their heads in with one fluid motion and opens the door for the lady.


Leaps away and hides behind another car whilst the thugs proceed towards the lady, once forgotten he leaps out and stabs them all in the back.


Casts a nexus spell and tells the thugs to enter it, it will bring them to a place full of riches. The thugs enter it and fall into a pit of spikes.


Blinds the thugs with a spell and gets into his car then runs them over.


Psi sits on the ground in front of the thugs and twiddles his fingers and says a few words then watches a giant worm come up out of the ground to eat them (and his car in the process)


Lets the thugs beat him down them casts balance and give each of them a flick on the nose and watches them fall to the ground in agony. 


Does a wooda doo da thing that sounds something like Tarzan and watches many lil critters attack the thugs.

Now... YOU decide who is the most sexiest

-Wuvvable Cuddable Vynnie 

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