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Erin's Tori Amos Website

Tori Concert Review
by: Erin
(Chicago Arie Crown Theatre Oct 23, 2001)

This past year has been a very difficult year for both Joel and I. A year filled with many hardships,
bad choices, and damaged hearts. Anyone could see that almost all hope was lost that things would get better.

Then...Joel got tickets to see Tori Amos, live & in the flesh. It may be hard to believe
that seeing a singer/musician, live, could actually help someone pick themselves out of saddness.
But anyone who is in love with Tori as much as I am knows that Tori has the ablility to do just that.

Neither Joel nor I have ever seen Tori live so the concert meant the world to us.
We had 8th row seats, close to the stage and all I can say about it was that it was breath-taking.

I held Joel's hand tightly as Tori walked onto the stage. And...I cried. I began to feel a
hope start to grow inside me that things were going to be okay. Tori Amos is someone I
never thought I would have the chance to see and I finally did. Seeing the beautiful woman who had been through
so much difficulties herself, helped me to realize I can do it, too.

It was all such a magical night. Tori's voice filling the theater, filling my soul, and all the
world seemed to melt away for those few hours. I strongly recommend that anyone who has
been touched by Tori and her music must see her in concert. It is an experience you will never forget.
As for Joel and I, we are strong, we are still in love; more than ever I think, and seeing
Tori Amos in concert with something I wouldn't have wanted to share with anyone else in the whole world.

Thank you Tori...
Thank you my Joel

Set List:
-'97 Bonnie & Clyde (Very Eerie, but I enjoyed it)
-Real Men (just beautiful)
-Hey Jupiter
-Devil in a Blue Dress (Hilarious improv)
-Silent all these Years (Me & Joel's favorite)
-Flying Dutchman
-Not the Red Baron (Loved it!)
-Little Earthquakes
-Doughnut Song (Touching)
-Bachelorette (Awesome)
-Bells for Her
-Here in my Head (Meant a lot for me to hear in concert)
-Me and a Gun
-Windows of the World (Tori sang this for the Sept
11th attack, simply wonderful)

1st encore:
-Pretty Good Year

2nd Encore:
-Tear in your Hand
-Sister Janet
-Baker Baker

Wish we could have seen the encores, but I'm just
thankful I got to see & hear that gorgeous piano-playing Fairy live!
