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Memories are born and stored away in the recesses of our mind.
Many of these are treasures, others are best left behind.
It's like having a private cinema, which you alone can see.
Each picture recalls its own story of something that used to be.

My fingers travel gently through the pages of my mind,
While years and years of memories, begin slowly to unwind.
Each cherished one so beautiful, it takes my breath away.
Remembering the good times, helps keep the sad times at bay.

Even though, you and I are half a world apart,
This wish is sent from the depths of your mothers heart,
May your memories be happy ones all your life through,
And may God be with you my son and love you as I do.

Poem by Kathleen © Copyright December 1987
For my beloved son, Roger

Music is "Memories" Turn on and off with switch above.


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