One would assume that being the offspring of Keepers, Gods, and Goddesses is wonderful. I assure you its not all that great.
He pulls his water skin from his side and drinks deeply from the cool water inside. He used to drink Mountain dew until his mother abandoned him, then he turned back to nothing but water not wishing to keep her memory alive.
As I was saying its not that grand really. You see my Grand mother Chloe Magic is the Goddess of Jerky and Queen of the LDW was married to my grandfather Shatner Magic God and the King of the Legacy of Dark Wizards. Nanna asked the gods to let the heirs to the throne to be born with a birth mark. The bloodline is interesting as my grandfather is a shape shifter as well.
My mother Dreams Magic (Dreams Child) is a vampiress and my father Black Magic is the Keeper of Justice and Expression, as well as the Guardian of the Unicorns, and King of the Dark Demons of Magic.
Im sure grand mother hoped the birth mark would clear things up but some where down the line it has only made things worse for those having them especially since there was never the one true heir like there was supposed to be.
You see both my father and My uncle Kirian were born with the birth mark and it caused many problems within our family as my father was chosen to run the kingdom by the elders and family. My uncle Kirian was bitter for a long time and hated the entire family and tried to ruin everyones life.
Then it happened again with my generation my sister Jasmine was born with the birth mark and was named Queen of the Fs. Just so happened Celia, Damien, and myself were all born with the birth mark as well. Just imagine how many more will if father keeps up with his sexual appetite. This doesn't even account for his beloved Lancara and Ciarra whom neither have the birth mark but are on fathers good side at all time by kissing his ass. I got sick of being compared to the past Magics as well as the wonderful work of my mother. I distanced myself from all of them. I blamed my father and still do for most of what has happened to me in my life-time. He did how ever keep his promise to me and give me the land and built me the castle i required to be King of my own clan. I now run the SoV, Scions of Vampyres with casltes both in Ameris and the land of Sazox far away from both Baptista and fathers land in Ameris. He earned my respect by keeping his promise to me but I still don't trust him and may never fully since he cost me the family I always wanted.
Sadly I still hear nothing but of the great Magics of the past and am compared not only to the legends of the past but now to my siblings as well. I doubt it will ever end. So I have but one choise here. To make them forget about all the others and become the greatest Magic of all-time. He smiles looking into a mirror mounted on his castle wall. "Took generations of Gods, Goddesses, and Keepers to get it right. IT doesn't get any better then this."
Last updated January 9, 2005
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