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Miller Cemetery History
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John Benton Miller came from East Tennessee in the fall of 1839 and staked his claim in Western Monroe Township,where the Miller graveyard is now located, not far from the cabin of the first settler, David Landrum. He brought his family with him at this time. Err (Era) Cox, John Morrison, Gideon Vernon and Wiliam Coate came to the township in the same year. This land was part of the seven mile strip. Ann Walker Miller, wife of John Benton Miller, died Dec.3,1862. She was the first buried in another cemetery, but before John died he chose the present site of the Miller cemetery on his farm and had Ann's body moved there. Also buried here in a a unmarked grave are the remains of Mrs. David Landrum, the wife of the section's first pioneer who settled in the area in 1837. David also came from East Tennessee.

At one time there were four other cemeteries in Monroe township,but two of these have passed out before the advance of technology.However,the sites are still remembered and vestiges of the cemeteries,mostly in the shape of old grave markers worn away by wind and rain,are to be found.

More history to come!