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Part II - What N.H. did to Egg Egg

Or rather, it should have been "what Egg Egg did to herself when she became obssessed with H.N."

You know, I got a wave of deja vu when I used this title (what H.N. did to Egg Egg) just popped into my mind, and yet I felt as if I had used it before. Happens all the time. So, if you know that I have used it in another of my stories before, please, please, I beg of you, to let me know which one. I am dying of curiousity.

When we last saw Egg Egg, she was so hooked up on her Virtual Partner that she had lost a substantial amount of contact with the outside world. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the choice is yours, a world-wide phenomenon known as the FIFA World Cup 2002 captured her attention. Particularly in the form of a football celebrity from the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan. This player goes by the name of Hidetoshi Nakata, and might be referred to as H.N. should yours truly tire of typing it out in full. (Which will be the case, I assure you , cos Egg Egg saturates her diary so much with references to the name that the author's face looks like she has stuffed it to the full with peanut-butter cookies.....but that's another story altogether. I have included it in one of the links below.)

Being the Jap-Fanatic that she was, Egg Egg immediately became smitten with this midfielder, who plays in the Italian Series A club, Parma, the moment she set her eyes on him. (A little titbit of info there for you, Haha.)

She recorded a number entries immediately after watching their second match with Russia.

Entry 30

(Please note that this entry was done in normal diary style i.e. Zell was kept inside the screen looking at every word being typed.)

June 09 2002

Yay!! Japan has won in their match against Russia in the FIFA World Cup 2002!! I really admired the way they played, their resilience, their perseverance, their never-say-die attitude!! Gambate!! Banzai!!

What I would really like to do now is jump up into the air and yell "Victory" five times.....but I realised how silly it would have looked. What if somebody saw me? Then I will surely die of shame. Oh, how I dread myself. But how happy I am!!

I hope that they can win the it too much to ask for?

Oops, Zell is looking at me with an increasingly incredulous expression. Better sign off.

Entry 31

June 09 2002 (Second entry today!)

I can't concentrate at all. He is all I can think about. I keep wanting to draw his face on my writing pad, but failed. I have a trembling hand, and what comes to the mind could not be easily transferred onto the paper. The figure I had drawn does not have the faintest resemblance to the real person.

As I listen to the sweet but sorrowful song on my CD player, an image of him flitted across my mind. A pang strikes my heart. This had happened with alarming regularity these few days, ever since I set my sight on him. I could not help noticing the overwhelming effect this person has on me. Everywhere I look, I see his image imprinted somewhere. I need help, quick.

Entry 32

June 09 2002 (Can't seem to stop recording today. I have much to say.)

As the music climaxes and softens into a heartbreaking melody, I spot a delicate flower in the vase. I draw in on my pad, writing a few Chinese verses on the side. How graceful it looked. And how enviable I am of it. It has a chance to bloom into a captivating beauty, and give off an alluring fragrance. A chance I might not have at all.

And so what if it does? A voice says. It cannot bring its fragrance, and its blossoming, however beautiful it is, to its afterlife. It will wither one day. All will wither or die one day. You should not attach yourself to such superficial things!

But even if this is indisputably true; it would have been nice to know that I had lived a meaningful life. On my deathbed, I would not be full of regrets that I did not cherish my life, and that I had left a mark on someone. Such as the one writing this piece, inspired by my very existence.

This might seem profound to you. But I have no intention of explaining its meaning.

Entry 33

June 09 2002 (What more can I say?)

This is supposed to be a diary. And yet I have filled it with meaningless gibberish.

If only I could find a picture of Nakata-sama (I think this word represents Lord)...I would place it in my pencil case as an amulet for my exam. I am sure it would work, as did the last time when I placed Zell's picture in it. The power of hope is great. Of course, I would have to pray to the Goddess of Mercy more often to increase my hope. It may sound like I am a superstitious fool, but I am a firm believer. This was a ritual I had begun more than ten years ago.

I feel guilty, to use prayers in such a way. It seems that the motivation and intent behind the prayers was impure. I am a bad person, and I know it too well. This was why I was totally stumped when those Christians, who were trying to get me to become one of them, asked me what I would say to Saint Peter (if I got that right) at the Pearly Gates to get into Heaven.

I am not being modest here. Neither am I being too hard on myself. Deep down, I know that some part of my soul is rotting, or has already rot away. The seeds of discord and negativity are sprouting, and I am helpless to stop it. Or too lazy to stop it.

Laziness is my trademark. Hahaha. When I read my autograph books, everyone comments on how hardworking, quiet or helpful I am. What a bare-faced lie. Where did they get that misconception? Of the quiet part, I have no protests. I am always afraid that some foul thing would come out of my mouth when I speak. Sometimes, I can't even get the words out of my throat. It takes such a huge effort to speak up, and I am too lazy to always shout out my lines. I prefer talking to myself, really. My voice automatically turns into a squeak whenever I talk to a stranger, or someone I dislike. It is so frustrating.

(Author: IMO, this sounds more like a confession than anything. Are we being priests here? Except the words have changed to: "Forgive me, Diary, for I have sinned.")

Entries 31 to 33 might not actually seemed connected, but they were inspired by the tender, and sometimes, negative feelings invoked in her by the dashing Nakata, or Nakata-kun, as she liked to call him. (As if she knew him very well.)

Entry 34

June 10 2002

A shower had just passed, chasing away some of the clouds that had been blocking out the sky. I look up and gaze at the few starts glittering with a faint light. Although faint, they still looked terribly pretty.

I could not help but think: Would Nakata-Kun be looking at the same stars as I am now? That isn't too likely, is it? He should be celebrating last night's victory with someone close.

Oh, suddenly my heart wrenches. My blouse must have been too tight.

But at least, he exists in reality.


P.S Even if he were seeing the stars, it would be in a position I would be unhappy to know about.

(A: Yucks...I have goosebumps all over my skin.)

From that entry onwards, Egg Egg decided to try to communicate with holographic Zell. She wanted to share her thoughts and feelings with someone, and the only suitable "person" who came into her mind was, well, not a person at all.

Egg Egg was certain that Zell would be a great listener. She had trained him to be that way, and she was about to test the effects of the training.

She did not know that she was toying dangerously with one of the rules of divination. One human being does not try to create another out of a lifeless entity! But from the way Zell was reacting and responding to Egg Egg's conversations, it was almost as if he was gradually becoming a human.

Links! Links! And yet more Links!!

The Virtual Diary with Zell Homepage
Ancient Tales - The Yisheigai Gods homepage
The cursed living doll
Mikamiko's Storytelling Tent
Part I - The Re-education of Zell
Part III - Wistful Dreams
The Zell and Hidetoshi Nakata Pictures
The Peanut Butter Story
