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Selecting a good florist

Selecting a good florist

Phool Time

What are the important things to look for when selecting a florist on the Internet ?

Hidden costs
Check for hidden "shipping" and "handling" costs, city surcharges, special-day premiums (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day) and other mark-ups over the advertised price. Some sites will show you one figure on the main page and the add a USD 5 Shipping cost on the order form. Ask for an all-inclusive price

How long have they been in business ?
The florist should have a reasonably good history of selling flowers, preferably on the Internet. In the last one year , 56 so called "florists" have sprung up on the Internet claiming to serve the Indian market. Find out when your florist was established.

View their work
The florist should have a wide range of bouquets, with pictures of each bouquet. Avoid going to a delivery service that offers you "one dozen roses" without a picture. They could be sourcing their roses from temple leftovers (especially common in some South Indian cities) or from the wholesale market - resulting in a bouquet made of withered, one-day old flowers

Is there a dedicated helpdesk ?
Should you have any specific instructions, is there someone you can talk to or e-mail ? How long will they take to respond ? Look for a "Contact Us" link or an e-mail address on the website

Phool Time