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Awards Page Here are the Awards that I have recieved so far.

Click on the awards to go to view their pages. I'm sure that they would appreciate you visiting their pages and signing their Guestbooks. Everyone loves when you sign their Guestbook. I love it too, so before you leave my site, please sign mine!

This is my first award. I'm so pleased with it. Thank you Dave!

My second award comes from G-SPOTS

Thank you G-SPOTS!

And the third award that I have recieved! This one comes from Colleen's Corner

And now for the 4th one: This comes from Elenia!

5th from Shelby:

Thanks Foxy Lady!

Thank you all so much!

This isn't an award, but I thought it was cool that Terri made up a thank you for signing her guestbook.

My Guestbook!

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