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Gif site's for your pleasure

Gifs, Backgrounds and Midi's for you to enjoy!

I would like to use this page to give credit to Anne's Place for some of her graphics, Draac's Page, Graphics 4 Webbers, Dave's Midi's, Alot of Gifs to go and all the other's. I in no way take any credit for the graphics. Thank you for the use of them!

This is just a short list of what is out there for you to use.

Dave's Midi's

Free Backgrounds

Graphics 4Webbers

Draac's Page

V's Place

Allot ofGifs to go!

Tee's Home Page

Annies Graphics page

Anne's Place

Christmas ClipArt

Pop/Rock Midi's

Animated Gifs

Koffee's Gifs

Sandy's Gallery

Midi's Search Engine

UThe Mis~Fits Graphics and Web Design

Roseaingel's Papers (beautiful backgrounds)! Visit her Card shoppe on my greeting card links page. (From my Heart to your Heart)

Graphics Galore!!! (also a search engine for Images)

Quick Key Charts by I Love Jesus (Stone Family)

My pages of Midi's, Graphics, Backgrounds, Lines and Angels!

I in no way, tho', take any credit for these Gifs. I have found them on these various sites on this page! All the credit goes to these sites.

My pages of Gifs Collected from others!

My Guestbook!
