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Hello, here I am again!

I would like to introduce you to my best friends. We have all been friends for many years. We go out and do many things together. One year for Christmas we went , we also go out for and or and . Or maybe we will just go hunting for . In whatever we choose to do, we do all have fun spending time together. I love my friends. What would we do without friends. Ok here are my friends!

First you can see us all together.

I want you to meet Tracie! We have been friends for 13 years. Her husbands name is Andy, (you will find his page on my links page, the page name is Distant Landscapes). Tracie has 2 children, Mandy is 15 and Christopher is 7.

Tracie is a very dear friend. She is always there for me. She loves crafts, family, church (which she attends Morning Star in Warsaw), and getting together with friends. She goes caroling with us. Love you Tracie!

Here is Glennie. We have been friends for many years also. We try to get together on a regular basis, but with hectic lives we can't always do that!

Glennie, also works with me at KABS. She loves , angels, bambi (an all time favorite), family, music, getting together with friends, church (Warsaw Wesleyn), and ! Love you Glennie!

I have another friend her name is Ellen.

Ellen and I met at Bethany Bible Chapel (Warsaw, In.) around 1982. So you can see that we have been friends for a long time also. Ellen enjoys church (Warsaw Wesleyn), angels also, reading, family, and friends.

And this is Carol!

Carol and I have been friends for so many years, it is hard to remember. She met my girls before she met me. My girls were 1 and 2 years old. (So you can see that it has been many years.) Carol loves candles, teddybears, church (First Baptist in Warsaw), family and friends. Love you Carol!

Here we have Myself, Marsha and Carol. We were getting ready to go out for a saturday evening. We had a real good time. Hey I have this blond joke for you Marsha. There was this blond and 2 brunettes sitting in a Fazoli's, the brunettes was trying to figure out how to open the take home box, well you know the rest I had better not tell you anymore. Well would you like to see the blond and brunettes. Here you go:


This is the Kennedy Family! Andy, Mandy, Tracie and Chris!

Here I would like you to meet Carols family. Bob, Carol and JohnPaul. We have been friends for a long time. Bob and Carol got married in our livingroom 11 years ago.

I just have to add this picture of Bob. Zoom ZZOOOOOOOMMMM!

Bob is a very big help to my family. Anytime we need help with our cars or scooter, he is always there for us. Thank you Bob! Need car repairs done and you live in the Warsaw, In. area, or close to this area, email Bob

This is Carol's sister, Marsha and her family. Marsha, Jim and Steven! Well I said that this was her family, it is only 1 of 3, she has 2 daughters.

We have so many things in common that we have become very close friends. I am thankful for good friends like Marsha.


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