Services attended in England 2010

Religious services attended in England, August 2010

(22-29 August: The Edington Music Festival: A Festival of Music within the Liturgy)

Thursday 19 AugustSalisbury Cathedral17.30 Evensong
Reading Responses
Howells Gloucester Service
Howells My eyes for beauty pine
Friday 20 August17.30 Evensong
Reading Responses
Ayleward Short Service
Weelkes Gloria in excelsis Deo
Saturday 21 August17.30 Evensong
(Open University Chapel Choir)
Morley Responses
Stanford in B-flat
David Knight, The Lord's my shepherd
Rheinberger Prelude (from Suite for Violin and Organ)
Sunday 22 August10.30 Eucharist
(Open University Chapel Choir)
Ireland in C
S S Wesley, King Solomon's Prayer
Howells Rhapsody in D-flat
Edington Priory Church
(Edington Festival)
21.15 ComplinePRELUDE Prelude in G Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852 –1924)
RESPONSES plainsong
ANTIPHON Miserere mihi, Domine plainsong
PSALM 91 plainsong
HYMN Te lucis ante terminum fauxbourdon & Matthew Martin (b1976)
RESPONSORY Into thy hands Jonathan Dove (b1959)
ANTIPHON Salva nos, Domine plainsong
CANTICLE Nunc dimittis EVENING SERVICE IN D Sir George Dyson (1883 –1964)
RESPONSES plainsong
ANTIPHON Totus tuus Op 60 Henryk Górecki (b1933)
Monday 23 August9.00 MatinsRESPONSES plainsong
ANTIPHON Spiritu principali plainsong
PSALM 51 plainsong
HYMN Ecce iam noctis plainsong
ANTIPHON Fili tu semper mecum fuisti plainsong
CANTICLE Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel plainsong
VOLUNTARY Agnus Dei John Redford (d1547)
11.30 Solemn EucharistPRELUDE O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig BWV618 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
INTROIT HYMN Christ, whose glory fills the skies (234) Ratisbon
GLORIA Missa quarti toni Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 –1611)
READING Ephesians 1: 3 –14
ALLELUIA Eripe me plainsong
GOSPEL Mark 13: 32– 42
SERMON The Reverend Dr Carolyn Hammond
Dean and Director of Studies in Theology, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
OFFERTORY Lord, let me know mine end Maurice Greene (1696 –1755)
SANCTUS Missa quarti toni Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 –1611)
AGNUS DEI Missa quarti toni Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 –1611)
COMMUNION Acceptabis sacrificium plainsong
Peccavi super numerum William Byrd (1539/40 –1623)
HYMN We have a gospel to proclaim (486) Fulda
VOLUNTARY Praeludium in E Vincent Lübeck (1654 –1740)
20.00 Solemn EvensongPRELUDE Andante – Andante con moto SONATA IN D MAJOR, OP 65 NO 5 Felix Mendelssohn (1809 –1847)
INTROIT Litany of the Saints plainsong
PRECES plainsong
OFFICE HYMN Exsultet caelum laudibus plainsong
PSALM 32 Sir Walter Parratt (1841–1924)
READING 1 Kings 8: 22– 30
ANTIPHON Dixit autem pater plainsong
CANTICLE Magnificat in E flat ‘No 2’ Charles Wood (1866 –1926)
READING Luke 15: 11– end
CANTICLE Nunc dimittis in E flat ‘No 2’ Charles Wood (1866 –1926)
RESPONSES plainsong
ANTHEM Geistliches Lied Op 30 Johannes Brahms (1833 –1897)
HYMN Be thou my guardian and my guide (64) Abridge
VOLUNTARY Allegro maestoso SONATA IN D MAJOR, OP 65 NO 5 Felix Mendelssohn (1809 –1847
21.15 Compline PRELUDE Quatuor sur le Kyrie Jean-Henri D’Anglebert (1635 –1691)
PSALM 13 plainsong
ANTIPHON Salve regina plainsong
Tuesday 24 August9.00 Matins ANTIPHON Illuminatio mea plainsong
PSALM 27 plainsong
HYMN Relucens inter principes plainsong
ANTIPHON Ecce vere Israelita plainsong
VOLUNTARY Duo van den Psalm 24 Henderick Speuy (c 1575 – 1625)
11.30 Solemn Eucharist PRELUDE Psalm Prelude Set 1 Op 32 No 2 Herbert Howells (1892 –1983) Psalm 34 ‘Lo, the poor crieth’
INTROIT HYMN Light’s abode, celestial Salem (401) Regent Square
GLORIA Missa Miserere mihi Domine Manuel Cardoso (1566 –1650)
READING Isaiah 33: 17–22
ALLELUIA Ego vos elegi plainsong
GOSPEL John 3: 11–21
SERMON The Reverend Canon Jeremy Davies Precentor, Salisbury Cathedral
OFFERTORY How lovely are thy dwellings EIN DEUTSCHES REQUIEM, OP 45 Johannes Brahms (1833 –1897)
SANCTUS Missa Miserere mihi Domine Manuel Cardoso (1566 –1650)
AGNUS DEI Missa Miserere mihi Domine Manuel Cardoso (1566 –1650)
COMMUNION Cast me not away Samuel Sebastian Wesley (1810 –1876)
Vos qui secuti estis me plainsong
HYMN There’s a wideness in God’s mercy Corvedale
VOLUNTARY Prelude and Fugue in G minor Johannes Brahms (1833 –1897)
20.00 Solemn Evensong PRELUDE Canzonetta William Mathias (1934 –1992)
INTROIT Ut tecum lugeam Graham Ross (b1985)
PRECES Kenneth Leighton (1929 –1988)
PSALM 84 Sir Hubert Parry (1848 –1918)
READING Jeremiah 19: 1–14
CANTICLE Magnificat octavi toni Thomas Tallis ( c 1505 –1585)
READING Revelation 7
CANTICLE Nunc dimittis octavi toni Thomas Tallis ( c 1505 –1585)
RESPONSES Kenneth Leighton (1929 –1988)
ANTHEM Deep River No 5 of FIVE NEGRO SPIRITUALS from A CHILD OF OUR TIME Sir Michael Tippett (1905 –1998)
HYMN City of God, how broad and far (346) Richmond
VOLUNTARY Fugue sur le thème du Carillon des Heures de la Cathédrale de Soissons Op 12 Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986)
21.15 Compline PRELUDE A solis ortus cardine Marcel Dupré (1886 –1971)
PSALM 16 plainsong
ANTIPHON Ave regina caelorum plainsong
Wednesday 25 August9.00 Matins ANTIPHON A solis ortu plainsong
PSALM 113 plainsong
HYMN Ecce iam noctis plainsong
ANTIPHON Ne timeas, Maria plainsong
VOLUNTARY Drifache Fuga Johann Erasmus Kindermann (1616 –1655)
11.30 Solemn Eucharist PRELUDE Ave Maria, Ave Maris Stella Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
INTROIT HYMN Sing Alleluya forth, ye Saints on high (446) Martins
KYRIE Mass IX (Cum iubilo) plainsong
READING Galatians 4: 1– 5
GRADUAL Ave Maria a 4 Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548 –1611)
GOSPEL Luke 1: 26 – 38
SERMON The Reverend Andrew Wickens
Associate Vicar, Boston St Botolph, and Honorary Priest Vicar, Lincoln Cathedral
OFFERTORY Stabat mater Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525/6 –1594)
SANCTUS Mass IX plainsong
AGNUS DEI Mass IX plainsong
COMMUNION O salutaris hostia in F Sir Edward Elgar (1857–1934)
Ave Maria Anton Bruckner (1824 –1896) HYMN Sing we of the blessed Mother (185) Abbots Leigh
VOLUNTARY Allegro CONCERTO IN G MAJOR, BWV592 (after Johann Ernst) Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
16.00 Choral Evensong (BBC) PRELUDE Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele BWV654 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
INTROIT Ut tecum lugeam Graham Ross (b1985)
PRECES plainsong
PSALM 86 Matthew Martin (b1976)
READING 1 Samuel 2: 1–10
OFFICE HYMN Stabat mater plainsong
CANTICLE Magnificat octavi toni Thomas Tallis ( c 1505 –1585)
READING Luke 2: 21–35
CANTICLE Nunc dimittis octavi toni Thomas Tallis ( c 1505 –1585)
RESPONSES plainsong
ANTHEM Gaude, gaude, gaude Maria John Sheppard ( c 1515 –1558)
HYMN O love how deep, how broad, how high! (425) Eisenach
VOLUNTARY Fuga sopra’il Magnificat BWV733 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
20.00 Compline PRELUDE Beata viscera Mariae virginis Antonio de Cabezón (1510 –1566)
PSALM 127 plainsong
ANTIPHON Regina caeli plainsong
Thursday 26 August9.00 MatinsANTIPHON Ne discedas a me Domine plainsong
PSALM 22 plainsong
HYMN Ecce iam noctis plainsong
ANTIPHON Deus, Deus meus plainsong
VOLUNTARY Kyrie ultimo Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583 –1643)
11.30 Solemn Eucharist PRELUDE Psalm Prelude Set 2 No 1 Herbert Howells (1892 –1983) Psalm 130 ‘Out of the deep have I called unto thee, O Lord’
INTROIT HYMN Disposer supreme (216) Old 104th
KYRIE Missa brevis Sir Lennox Berkeley (1903 –1989)
READING Jeremiah 14: 1–21
GRADUAL Christus factus est plainsong
GOSPEL Matthew 24: 1–13
SERMON The Reverend Peter McGeary
Vicar, Saint Mary’s Church, Cable Street, London, and Priest Vicar, Westminster Abbey
OFFERTORY De profundis Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880 –1968)
SANCTUS Missa brevis Sir Lennox Berkeley (1903 –1989)
AGNUS DEI Missa brevis Sir Lennox Berkeley (1903 –1989)
COMMUNION Pater, si non potest plainsong
Deus, Deus meus WESTMINSTER MASS Roxanna Panufnik (b1968)
HYMN Eternal ruler of the ceaseless round (355) Song I
VOLUNTARY Litanies Jehan Alain (1911–1940)
20.00 Sequence of Music and Readings PRELUDE Erbarm’ dich mein, O Herre Gott BWV721 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
INTROIT Stabat mater dolorosa ... Domenico Scarlatti (1685 –1757)
CHANT Vexilla regis prodeunt plainsong
MOTET Cuius animam gementem ... Domenico Scarlatti (1685 –1757)
READING Deus Absconditus Anne Ridler (1912 –2001)
HYMN O sacred head, sore wounded (90) Passion Chorale
READING Colossians 1: 24 – end
CHANT Circumdederunt me plainsong
MOTET Eia mater, fons amoris ... Domenico Scarlatti (1685 –1757)
READING Luke 9: 18-27
CHANT Attende Domine et miserere plainsong
MOTET Fac me vere tecum flere ... Domenico Scarlatti (1685 –1757)
READING A time for suffering and ascetic effort Alexander Elchaninov (1881–1934)
CHANT Miserere mei plainsong
MOTET Inflammatus et accensus Domenico Scarlatti (1685 –1757)
HYMN My song is love unknown (86) Love unknown
VOLUNTARY Passacaglia in C minor BWV582 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
21.15 Compline PRELUDE Ecce tempus idoneum (Verse 4) Thomas Tallis ( c 1505 –1585)
PSALM 131 plainsong
ANTIPHON Alma redemptoris mater plainsong
Friday 27 August11.30 Choral Matins PRELUDE Dies sind die heiligen zehn Gebot BWV678 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
INTROIT O taste and see Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958)
PRECES Thomas Tomkins (1572 –1656)
VENITE John Goff (1800 –1880)
PSALM 63 John Lemon (1754 –1814)
READING Habukkuk 3
CANTICLE Te Deum SERVICE IN B FLAT, OP 10 Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (1852 –1924)
READING Matthew 5: 1–12
CANTICLE Benedictus THE GREAT SERVICE William Byrd (1539/40 –1623)
RESPONSES Thomas Tomkins (1572 –1656)
ANTHEM Like as the hart Herbert Howells (1892–1983)
HYMN I heard the voice of Jesus say (376) Kingsfold
VOLUNTARY Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir BWV686 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
20.00 Solemn Eucharist VOLUNTARY Prelude in E minor BWV548 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
INTROIT HYMN Glorious things of thee are spoken (362) Austria
KYRIE Missa ad imitationem Vinum bonum Orlandus Lassus (1532 –1594)
READING Revelation 22: 1– 5
ALLELUIA Ostende nobis plainsong
GOSPEL John 2: 1–11
SERMON The Reverend Canon Chris Chivers
Canon Chancellor, Blackburn Cathedral
OFFERTORY Strengthen ye the weak hands Sir William Harris (1883 –1973)
SANCTUS Missa ad imitationem Vinum bonum Orlandus Lassus (1532 –1594)
AGNUS DEI Missa ad imitationem Vinum bonum Orlandus Lassus (1532 –1594)
COMMUNION Dominus dabit benignitatem plainsong
Ave verum corpus Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 –1791)
HYMN O love divine, how sweet thou art (424) Cornwall
VOLUNTARY Fugue in E minor ‘The Wedge’ BWV548 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
21.30 ComplinePRELUDE Aria Herbert Howells (1892–1983)
PSALM 42 plainsong
ANTIPHON Salve regina plainsong
Saturday 28 August9.00 Matins ANTIPHON In veritate tua plainsong
PSALM 143 plainsong
HYMN Fulget in caelis plainsong
ANTIPHON Solvite templum hoc plainsong
VOLUNTARY Élévation André Raison ( c 1645 –1719)
11.30 Solemn Eucharist PRELUDE Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit BWV669
Christe, aller Welt Trost BWV670 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
INTROIT HYMN We sing the praise of him who died (94) Bow Brickhill
KYRIE Mass XI (Orbis factor) plainsong
READING 1 Peter 3: 17– end
GRADUAL Crucifixus a 8 Antonio Lotti ( c 1667–1740)
GOSPEL John 2: 18 –22
SERMON The Reverend Canon Paul Rose
Assistant Priest, All Saints’, Northampton, and Peterborough Cathedral
OFFERTORY O vos omnes Carlo Gesualdo (?1560 –1613)
SANCTUS Mass XI plainsong
AGNUS DEI Mass XI plainsong
COMMUNION Christus factus est Felice Anerio ( c 1560 –1614)
O vos omnes Pablo Casals (1876 –1973)
HYMN Love’s redeeming work is done (113) Savannah
VOLUNTARY Kyrie, Gott Heiliger Geist BWV671 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
20.00 Solemn Evensong PRELUDE Siciliano for a High Ceremony Herbert Howells (1892–1983)
INTROIT Vas ergo erat positum Charles Gounod (1818 –1893)
PRECES William Byrd (1539/40 –1623)
OFFICE HYMN Auctor salutis unice plainsong
PSALM 69 Jonathan Battishill (1738 –1801)
READING Job 14: 1–14
ANTIPHON Desiderio desideravi hoc Pascha plainsong
CANTICLE Magnificat ST PAUL’S SERVICE Herbert Howells (1892–1983)
READING Matthew 27: 57– end
CANTICLE Nunc dimittis ST PAUL’S SERVICE Herbert Howells (1892–1983)
RESPONSES William Byrd (1539/40 –1623)
ANTHEM At the round earth’s imagined corners Sir Hubert Parry (1848 –1918)
HYMN O Jesus, I have promised (420) Wolvercote
VOLUNTARY Paean Herbert Howells (1892 –1983)
21.30 Compline PRELUDE Berceuse Louis Vierne (1870 –1937)
PSALM 116 plainsong
MOTET Jesus ist das schönste Licht BWV474 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 –1750)
Sunday 29 August9.00 MatinsANTIPHON In conspectu angelorum plainsong
PSALM 138 plainsong
HYMN Ecce iam noctis plainsong
ANTIPHON Data est mihi plainsong
VOLUNTARY Voluntary in G Henry Purcell (1659 –1695)
11.30 Solemn EucharistPRELUDE Mors et Resurrectio Jean Langlais (1907–1991)
INTROIT HYMN Praise to the holiest in the height (439) Gerontius
GLORIA Missa Euge bone Christopher Tye ( c 1505 – before 15 March 1573)
READING Acts 2: 37– end
ALLELUIA Pascha nostrum plainsong
GOSPEL Matthew 28: 16 – end
SERMON The Reverend Dr Graham Southgate
Vicar of Bratton, Edington and Imber, Erlestoke, and Coulston
OFFERTORY Greater love hath no man John Ireland (1879 –1962)
SANCTUS Mass V plainsong
AGNUS DEI Missa Euge bone Christopher Tye ( c 1505 – before 15 March 1573)
COMMUNION Agnus Dei II–IV MISSA EUGE BONE Christopher Tye ( c 1505 – before 15 March 1573)
Pascha nostrum plainsong
HYMN When I survey the wondrous Cross (95) Rockingham
MOTET Ave Maria Robert Parsons ( c 1530 –1570)
VOLUNTARY Finale SYMPHONIE VI IN G MINOR, OP 42 NO 2 Charles-Marie Widor (1844 –1937)

Royal World: England 2010

