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Hey, it's time to open up the old mailbag and read some actual letters from some actual people!

Let's start off with this here e-mail from a viewer named Rich! His letter begins...

I think you are funny, but you need better writing. You need to make your show more like a comedy variety. Add some stupid songs or something. Arlo is really funny, but he needs better material. Can't you you see Arlo sitting on a horse, singing some stupid cowboy song? Of course, he would be dressed in the whole cowboy garb.

You could go out on the street and interview all the nuts around here. That's a show in itself. Get more political. Keep up the good work.


Thanks for writing and sending some fine suggestions our way, Rich! I'm sorry the writing isn't too your liking! We'll definitely try to do better! We would love to incorporate some funny songs into the show and we'll try to put some in in the future. As for your cowboy suggestion, Arlo would look mighty fine as a singing cowboy and we would love to see him on a horse (Of course, the horse might not like it since the actor who plays Arlo weights nearly five hundred pounds!)

We're a little wary about interviewing people (aka "the nuts") on the street. It's a good way to get mugged, but we'll consider it. And we do need to get more political (Though the fine folks at the cable access might disagree!). Politics can be so funny.

Thanks again for writing and watching, Rich! You have some good suggestions for us to ponder! Please write again if you have any more comments or criticisms!

Here's another e-mail that came our way!

We watch you! We want to see more adventures like the remake of The Blair Witch Project. Do less hickish characters and do a spoof of the Conceited Citizens League or city council stuff. That is always great.

                               Keep it up,

Thanks, Marc! We appreciate being watched! We'll try to ease off on the hicks a bit. They do need a break now and then.

And yet another person wanting us to dabble in politics! Marc, I hope you caught our recent episode of Yakking with Arlo. I think you might enjoy it.


And then we got a letter from our friend, Amber Lindstrom!

TFI,    Hey! I love your show. You told people to write letters so I did. I'm glad you guys made a new episode and I think you should make more. I thought the new one was way good.

I have a question...Do you have more than one pair of your frog glasses?

Well, good luck on your future shows. Oh, and tell the Moochers they are hilarious!!!


It's always nice to hear from you, Amber! I'm happy you enjoyed our last effort and I hope you've watching our two latest shows! We're currently working on two new shows and hopefully more is on the way!

As for your question, I only own one pair of my froggie glasses and I try to take good care of them! If I ever did break them or lose them, I would be sunk! 

Speaking of those glasses, I enjoyed your drawing of them! Thanks for sharing your artistic talent!

Amber's delightful drawing!

Oh, and the Moochers appreciated your compliment! They were so thrilled someone took notice of their comedic talent! They were a little disappointed you didn't send them any food (In fact, Clyde nearly ate your letter!), but, after I threw some oyster crackers at them, they settled down a bit.

Well, that's all the letters we have! If you would like to drop us a line with a comment, criticism, drawing or whatnot, e-mail us at!

Peace from Waffleville!
-Tom Cherry

Copyright © 2001-2003 Tom Cherry