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Poppy is a free spirit and a genius.

Contrary to his appearance, Poppy is the smartest kid at Waffleville High.
However, his intelligence often comes into question due to his friendship with Vinnie Tuscany. Being Vinnie's friend isn't easy. It involves a lot of give and take (Poppy gives and Vinnie takes.).

Their friendship is one of the puzzles Poppy constantly tries to figure out. The boy has a curious mind that often gets him in trouble.
Poppy is an inventor and a budding eccentric.
He often seems to be in a world of his own.

In his free time, Poppy tutors, works on perfecting his cheese dip recipe, and practices telepathy with his exotic fish.


Poppy Sinclair is played by Brad Quinton.

Copyright © 2001-2003 Tom Cherry