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Welcome to HTML help for your Email Signature Box

Here you will find step by step instructions on how to build your own signature for your webtv email. These will just be the basics but once you learn these there are many more advanced help sits out there for you. So lets get on with our lessons

Remember when writing your html program you will notice in each lesson I have added the html to the first line of each program and the /html to the last line of each program. You only need one html at the beginning and one /html at the end and remember put a left carrot (shift ,) in front of both your htmls and a right carrot (shift .) after your html.
Think of it this way html turns your signature on and /html shuts your signature off. If your putting a background and image in your signature box you would only need one html and /html

Lesson 1
Adding Color to your emails

Lesson 2
Adding A Background to your Emails

Lesson 3
Adding an image to your email

Lesson 4
How to get the address of a
background or image you want to use

If you have any question just email me at
