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1963 Race Results
(All articles written by Milo Clase)

The Pits in 1963

Sat., June 29
72 Cars Stage Hot Competition In Races Here

    A hot night Saturday and the 72 cars that qualified to make the racing competition even hotter, thrilled the large crowd at the Warsaw Speedway. The races were dotted by several accidents, but no serious injuries. Max Lambert, of North Manchester, tangled with Dick Leiter, of Warsaw, when Leiter lost a wheel, the result being that Lambert flipped end over end in front of the grandstand, escaping with stomach bruises.
    In another instance, Paul Grimm, of Warren, Ind., rolled up on the retaining wall with his car ending up balanced as if it were a teeter-totter. Dave Sheets, of Columbia City, also rolled over the rail, but escaped injury.
    Bob Jonas, of LaPorte, won the stock feature race; Jerry Egolf, of North Manchester, the jalopy race; Pinky Stewart, of Kokomo, the consolation race; and DeWayne Fox, of Columbia City, the race of the six fastest stock cars. Other heat winners were Don Murphy, of South Whitley, Larry Bills, of Columbia City, and Larry Baker, Chick Engle, and Charlie Gross, all of Warsaw. One-half of the race was broadcast by sportscaster Milo Clase over Radio Station WRSW through the courtesy of Hile Pure Oil; Lake City Industrials; and Best Cap Tire Co. A fireworks program is planned for the July 4th races.

Sat., July 27
Larry Moore Captures 30-Lap Mid-Season Championship Race Here

    A large crowd at the Warsaw Speedway Saturday night watched Larry Moore, of North Manchester, win the 30-lap mid-season championship strickly stock feature in a close finish. The race was momentarily marred when Bud Grossnickle, also of North Manchester, rolled over several times as he was crossing the finish line, but he escaped injury. Charlie Gross, of Warsaw, also rolled over in the consolation race and was uninjured.
    Bob Jonas, of LaPorte, was the winner in the flying stock race. Gene Simon, of Columbia City, won the race of the six fastest cars in a similar event, and Don Murphy, of South Whitley, won the consolation race. Heat winners were Larry Baker and Pete Gross, of Warsaw; Roger Grossnickle, of North Manchester, Paul Grimm, of Warren; and Paul Hazen, of Columbia City. One-half hour of the race was broadcast over Radio Station WRSW through the courtesy of Hile Pure Oil, Best Cap Tire Co., and Lake City Industrials.