Annotated Links

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Here is an interesting site that explains how the Treaty of Versailles was created. It also goes into detail about the League of Nations. It details the strength, weakness, and assebmly of the League. It may be a brief site, but I found it useful. League of Nations page

This is a very informative page on the League of Nations, form the time of its creation to it's demise two and a half decades later. It explains the peole, actions, and principles of the league. I would reccommmend it for anyone needing anything known about the League of Nations. League of Nations

This is an actually appeal by a person living at the time the League was created. He tried to show how the League didn't need the USA and how it was going to work and function. The man seems disturbed, I must say, but it is interesting reading. L.O.N. is alive

This site is over WWI is Great Britain. However, it does include information on the fronts, military leaders and politcal leaders of the USA. I would recommend it as a very insightful site that covers all aspects of thhe war. It is a must for someone doing a project on the actually fighting in Western Europe WWI in Britain

I would label this the official WWI website. Great information, with the option of buying books, looing up resources, and other things. A very interesting website just to visit for fun. Find out all about WWI, from the fighting to the treaties here. World War I papers

this is a page filled with papers and essays from WWI. I would personally recommend going to this pageif you are in need of resources. WWI official page

This site is just a pgae of links to other sites, so I decided to link you to his site instead of listing them all here. The sites cover all aspects of the war, and some are in here such as the Versailles Treaty. I would suggest most people tour some of the sites put on this site, because of the historical relevance. Links

This site is the authoritative site over the Versailles treaty. It includes photos, the actual treaty in whole, reasons, explanations, links. If you can name it this site contains it. It even has political cartoons. Anyone looking for extra resources on WWI needs to visit this site. It was a very big reference for me.Versailles Treaty

An actual reporter wrote this site in 1919 about the Paris Peace conference. It is a very historical and accurate document, completely covering the conference. I would reccommend it for people looking to find information about the Paris Peace conference, people looking for hard to find info. The site does lack on graphics, however. News article

This has every important official WWI document. It contains the documents by years, and is very informative, if boring. There isn't anything there but the offical documents, unfortunately. Document Archive

The site here is a small little outline on the war. It is for people just searching for some information, because it looks as if it was written for a class. If you are looking to find a ton of information, don't go here. Outline

An extremely informative page on Woodrow Wilson. It contains all sorts of information about him, such as his childhood, life before presidency, presidency, links, quotes, and cartoons. The best Woodrow Wilson site I have found on the entire web. It even contains a link to the Versailles Treaty page.Wilson page

This is an excerpt from Henry Cabot Lodge's book, "The Senate and the League of Nations" I used the book myself to write this site. It is a very fine piece, and it helps to explain Lodge's opinion. The Senate and the League of Nations

This site is an appeal to the League of Nations from the emperor of Ethiopia. I don't think it has much relevance to anything, but it is intriguing to read. It shows how the League of Nations probably took appeals and handled their business. Appeal to League

This is a site on Wilson and the treaty. It is short and to the point, without all the snazzy graphics and pictures. It is a useful resource for someone wanting the barebones information. Douglas

A decent site on Woodrow Wilson, with links to, among other things, his grave. Not as good as the Wilson site stated above, but it has some useful information the other site doesn't. I could use this website to write a report, or do another school activity, so that is what I recommend it for. Wilson 2

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