Henry Cabot Lodge Sr. Biography

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Henry Cabot Lodge, 1850-1924, was a Harvard graduate and a historian in his younger years. At age 36, he successfully ran for the House of Representatives, and by 1893, he was in the Senate. He was a republican, and was the leader of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during WWI and after. He and other isolationist republicans helped to stop the Treaty of Versailles from being ratified in the USA, thus preventing the country from joining the League of Nations. He spoke out greatly against Wilson at this time, questioning his stance on America’s international position. Lodge also was an author, writing many historical books, and other books which dealt with the senate and it’s decisions. Henry Cabot Lodge was still serving in the Senate at the time of his death in 1924. His grandson, Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. went on to serve in the Senate and become very prominent.
