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The further we stray from believing, the further we stray from ourselves. I guess life really IS like a box of choclates! When we let go of the reins and become intune with what is unbound by the earths iron fisted grip (scientists call this grip "gravity"), the scales fall from our eyes. I seek many things among many crowds. What is it I seek? I seek depth and not length. That is why I have found in my countless utterances of vehemance a void boiling over with clashing contradictions. I find I am no better than those who perscecute me. How am I different? I see yet still I stumble. I am darkness but seek the light. Like a sick child my illness requires the attention of a loving mothers hands. In these revelations which move like grimacing stones I find solace, but still I speak to eyes unsure. Like arrows gone astray my words find untrusting targets. I'm finding the point is not to find, only to seek, only to believe.

Words My Way
