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What Rests On The Sleeve Rests Behind Eyes Set Ablaze

"I love Jesus. Really I do. I've got the bumper stickers and T-shirt to prove it! Don't believe me? Ask me to give to you what I can spare and it's your's. Free of charge! Did I mention my lovely collection of Jesus apparrel?" "I love Jesus. Really I do. I'm not like those 'other christians' that parade themselves up and down the streets of nowhere. I'm open minded. I wear this on my sleeve. Don't believe me? Some of my best friends are hellbound heathens who look without eyes to see. They will all burn in hell when they die, at least that's what I've been told. But that's not the point. The point is that I keep them around to prove to you that my intentions are pure..." I've told you what 'they' say, so what is it that I say? What rests on the sleeve rests behind eyes set ablaze.

Words My Way
