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Phoenix of Immortality

The Path of the Phoenix:
The Spiritual Road to Physical Immortality
by Robert Coon

Immortals of Bali

Nirartha and Betari

There are a group of Immortals on the island of Bali. The most famous of these is Nirartha and his daughter, Betari Dalem Melanting, also known as Dewi Sri Badri. Nirartha came from Java into Bali in the 16th century and built several of the most beautiful temples on the island. Pura Rambut Siwi, near Yeh Embang, houses a lock of Nirartha's hair. He is part of a group of Immortals who like to appear as White Tigers to those who try to contact them. Pulaki is the name of the dimension where they reside. Pulaki is a kind of Avalon, or Shambhalla, near Mt. Merbuk, in western Bali. It should not be confused with the village of Pulaki, which is on the north coast.

Pura Pulaki, a temple 30 kilometres from Seririt, was built on the site of a village whose inhabitants immortalised after receiving instructions from the Immortal Nirartha at the request of the village leader. Legend tells that this was the site of a village of 8000 people who were granted knowledge of the "invisible realms" by Nirartha. Now known as "gamang" or "wong samar", these invisible immortals occasionally materialise to locals who make regular ritual offerings to them. It is believed that a visit from an immortal in these areas is heralded by the howling of dogs.

Nirartha is over 500 years old, and may be found today. He translated his body from Ulu Watu. His daughter, Badri or Betari, is regarded as the Goddess Melanting today, and has a temple - Pura Melanting. Nirartha and Badri are an interesting pair of physically immortal humans, because they show that members of the same family can be Immortal. So far, such examples are rare.

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Immortals and Immortalists