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Phoenix of Immortality

The Path of the Phoenix:
The Spiritual Road to Physical Immortality
by Robert Coon

Justified and Ancient

Ancient writings of the Middle East claim that in every generation there exist a minimum number of beings upon whose merits the fate of the world rests. The number varies, but in Jewish legend 36 "Just" beings, or Tzaddikim, are considered to be the Foundation Stones of the World. Some speak of 72 Tzaddikim - thirty six Revealed and thirty six Concealed. They combine to form the 72 bridges which spell the 72-lettered name of God. (This has its parallel in Earth Chakra work with the 72 Bonded Pairs. For further information please see

Tzaddikim serve the Divine Will. Overall, their work is difficult to observe, not because it is carried out secretly, but for the very reason that the work of the Tzaddikim literally rectifies Creation. This process of Rectification is referred to in Cabalistic literature as Tiqqun `Olam: The Restoration of the World.

The Just help to fulfil the Divine Promise of Creation, working to Illuminate the Shekhinah - Presence of the Divine - within all matter at All Times. They work behind the scenes, unknown to others, and sometimes unknown to themselves. If you, dear reader, are solely dedicated to Life, and to the Liberty of All Beings throughout the Universe, then your work is in harmony with The Just. To be Justified before God is to be made immortal. The Justified and Ancient are the Immortals.

The 36 lights of the festival of Channukah (Dedication to Light) are symbolic of the Divine Sparks hidden within Creation. There is a link between the Tzaddikim and the Priesthood of Melchizedek. Robert Coon says:

“Rene Guenon, in his book The Lord of the World, offers many valuable insights into the Melchizedek lineage. The name itself is originally spelled Melki-Tsedeq, which means the Tsaddik of Malkuth. In English, this is translated as the Just Adept of the Earth. The Tsaddik is one who has adjusted his or her Being to a point of perfect harmony while Living on the Earth. In the Hassidic tradition, there are always 36 Tsaddiks on the earth at all times. When the process of Tiqqun, or material ascension, is complete, then Messiah appears as the 37th Tsaddik. These 36 Tsaddiks are Perfect Heart-Masters, are physically Immortal, and are thus forever able to offer the Communion of the Grail.”

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Justified And Ancient (Stand By The JAMs)
The KLF featuring Miss Tammy Wynette

All bound for Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
(hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
(Bring the beat back!)

They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they like to roam the land.
(just roll it from the top)
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
I hope you understand.
(to the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
They called me up in Tennessee
They said "Tammy, stand by The JAMs"
But if you don't like what they're going to do,
You better not stop them 'cause they're coming through
(bring the beat back)

(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Ancients of Mu Mu)

Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land

They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they drive an ice cream van.
(just roll it from the top)
They're Justified and they're Ancient,
With still no master plan.
(to the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
The last train left an hour ago,
They were singing "All aboard"
All bound for Mu Mu Land,
Then someone starting screaming "Turn up the Strobe"
(bring the beat back)

(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (Ancients of Mu Mu)
(Bring the beat back)

Justified and Ancient, Ancient and a-justified,
Rocking to the rhythm in their ice cream van
with the plan and the key to
enter into Mu Mu
Vibes from the tribes of the JAMs

I know where the beat is at,
'cos I know what time it is
Bring home a dime,
Make mine a "99"

New style, meanwhile, always on a mission while
Fishing in the rivers of life
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi)
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi)
Fishing in the rivers
Fishing in the rivers
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi)

(Bring the beat back)

(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (Ancients of Mu Mu)

They travel the world
In their ice cream van
They've voyaged to the bottom of time
They've been to the place
Where the Mu Mu mate
And the children still cry
"Mine's a 99"
(Bring the beat back)

(Bring the beat back)

Mu Mu Land (Ancients of Mu Mu)
Mu Mu Land (Ancients of Mu Mu)
All bound for Mu Mu Land

Mu Mu Land (Ancients of Mu Mu)
Mu Mu Land (Ancients of Mu Mu)
All bound for Mu Mu Land

Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land

Lyrics Copyright © 1993 KLF
From Ultra Rare Trax

In esoteric literature MU is often identified with the lost continent of LeMUria.


Immortals and Immortalists