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to thank you for visiting This website was built to act as a medium through which Alsrees around the world can communicate & keep up the Silatul Rahim. In other words, to promote social cohesion between each other. The content of this website is not restricted to Alsrees only but also open to other Arab family clans. We hope our efforts will bring Arabians around the world closer together and 'reconnect the family network'. We look forward to receiving contributions from you. These may be in the form of short stories, photos, comments, recipes or just personal experiences. Whatever it is, we really want to hear from YOU!!! With that, wabillahi taufiq wal hidayah, wasalammu'alaikum wr.wb. Amin...Amin...Yaa Rabbal' Alamin |
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Hanya redho dan berkah Allah jua menjadi harapan dan cita-cita kita. Mudahan-mudahan segala amal dan usaha kita mendapat doa restu para karuhun dengan berkah dan syufa'at junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad Rasulullah s.a.w. |