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Home > Heritage > Anuradhapura > Asokaramaya

Asokaramaya (Pankuliya Buddha Statue)

Asokaramaya, Pankuliya
Samadhi Buddha Statue at Pankuliya Asokaramaya with the recently built roof above it

Asokaramaya, Pankuliya
Large amount of stone columns of buildings in the visinity

Asokaramaya, Pankuliya, guardstone
Steps at a entrance to a building. The Moonstone is blank but the guard stones are realy beautiful (see next pictutre)

Asokaramaya, Pankuliya, guardstone
closeup of the left guardstone

Asokaramaya, Pankuliya, buddha statue
The same statue with the guard stone and the ancient pillars which held the roof long ago


Asokaramaya is located in a beautiful surrounding in the village of Pankuliya. This is a fairly unknown site to the average pilgrim but has one of the best carved Buddha statues in the country today. This statute equals the quality of the famous Samadhi Statue and the Tholuvila statue (which is now kept in the Colombo museum). This statue is also known as Pankuliya Buddha statue. But unfortunately this area has been rather neglected recently and not visited by pilgrims.

In addition to this very fine statue Asokaramaya is surrounded by now ruined long columned buildings with beautiful guard stones and a pool. This is thought to be a nunnery and the original name of this site is not known.

This statue is said to belong to the 9-10th century and is made of dolomite. The eyes are hollow indicating that they have been studded with precious stones in the past. The statue is 6feet 9 inches (2 metres) in heightFebruary 13, 2007protected by a concrete structure with a roof rather destroying the real beauty of the statue.

This site can be accessed through the road leading to famous Galpalama. You can ask directions from the villagers once you fall on to the road. The road leading to this temple ends at a paddy field. Form there you have to walk across the paddy field on a foot path to reach this site.













Home > Heritage > Anuradhapura > Asokaramaya

Updated February 12, 2007
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